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Shigaraki's POV

I had been running threw the ally ways that lead to the shops for about three minutes when I ran into two pro heroes. I quickly ran away from them, hoping they didn't recognize me, but hoping wasn't enough.

"Hey, isn't that Shigaraki from the League of Villians?" One of them asked. "I think it is." The other replied. 

The both of them began to run to catch up with me, and they did within a few seconds. I assumed that the two of them had speed quirks.

After a few minutes of running with the two pro heroes right on my tail, I realized I wasn't going to be able to outrun them so I stopped in my tracks and turned around. The two pro heroes were surprised by my sudden stop so it took some effort for them to stop themselves. When they finally stopped, I wrapped my hands around their wrists, leaving no fingers off, and the two heroes slowly disintegrated.

I quickly ran away from the scene and toward the shops where I found Kirogiri. He looked towards me while I took a moment to catch my breath.

"We have a situation at the base," I said as Kirogiri took us to an area where we could talk privately. 

"What kind of situation?" Kirogiri said with a hint of worry in his voice.

"The heroes found the base and broke in. Dabi is still at the base, but I sent Toga away with Izuku." I said as Kirogiri's slight movements stopped completely.

"Oh my..." Kirogiri whispered. "We need to get to the base." 

"Yeah, let's hurry up," I said as Kirogiri opened a portal and we walked threw it to find a beat and battered Toga and Dabi. I was wondering why Toga was here but then I saw that Bakugo kid with a crying Izuku in his arms.

My blood boiled at the sight of this, but just then, I heard the television that All For One contacted us with turn on.

"Go, now. Leave the child." He said. 

When I heard this my heart began to beat faster than it ever had before. We can't just leave him with the pros. We can't leave him in general. 

As I was panicking about All For One's directions Kirogiri began to speak again, breaking the silence.

"Yes sir," Kirogiri said.

He opened up a portal and Kirogiri, Dabi, Toga, and I all fell threw it and landed in an old, abandoned warehouse, but not before Izuku screamed out his first word.


No one's POV

"What the Hell, Kirogiri!" Dabi and Shigaraki yelled in unison. "I'm sorry, but you know I can't disobey the boss's orders," Kirogiri said as Shigaraki walked up to him.

"That isn't an excuse," Shigaraki said with tears in his eyes. "and that doesn't change the fact that Izuku's gone."

Just then Shigaraki burst into tears. Dabi hugged Shigaraki tightly as he cried into his shoulder and Dabi cried silently himself. Toga just stood there, her eyes wide. She was sitting so still that it seemed like she was frozen with shock.

Kirogiri just sighed, silently regretting his decision to follow the boss's orders.

The LOV just stood there, regretting anything and everything that could have led to the loss of Izuku, and silently promised that they would one day get their Izuku back.

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