No one's POV
Mastermind watched as Kirogiri, Shigaraki, and Izuku embraced. A small smile crept onto his face, hidden by his mask.
Izuku let out a small giggle as he nuzzled his head into Shigaraki's chest. Kirogiri patted Izuku's head, the mist on his hand passing through Izuku's hair.
Izuku turned to look at Mastermind and tilted his head like he was a confused puppy. Kirogiri and Shigaraki chuckled before Kirogiri said, "That's Mastermind. He's the one who brought us here." Izuku nodded and smiled at Mastermind.
Mastermind stepped a bit closer to the group. He looked down at Izuku. "Izuku, can you tell us where you were before this?"
"I don't know where I was. They don't tell me anythin'." Izuku said with a pout. Then, Izuku's face lit up. "But they tell me somethin'!" Izuku said jumping up and down. "I gonna meet the 1-A students in two Saturdays!"
"So in fourteen days?" Shiagraki asked. Izuku nodded. "You're meeting them at UA, right?"
Izuku nodded. "I think so."
Izuku suddenly sat up straight as if he had remembered something, and turned to Shigaraki. "Were's Toga?"
Shigaraki and Kirogiri looked at each other with pained faces as if to ask "Should I tell him?" Mastermind just looked away, not wanting to make eye contact with the child.
Kirogiri was the first to speak up. "...Toga isn't here with us."
Izuku looked at him confused. "What do you mean?"
Shiagaraki spoke up this time. "Something happened to her."
Izuku looked a bit less confused, but still very confused. "What happened? 'Cause last time I saw her she was fine."
Kirogiri spoke. "Well last time you saw her nothing had happened."
Izuku looked frustrated now. "What happened to her?"
Kirogiri spoke again, pain in his voice. "Izuku...She died."
Izuku glared at Kirogiri with small tears in his eyes. "When?"
"About a month after you were taken."
"We don't know exactly how."
"The pros. We don't know for sure but we believe Erasurehead was involved."
Izuku suddenly climbed off of Shigaraki's lap and backed away from the three Villians. "No, he wouldn't do that. I twust him. Toga's not dead. I saw her.
Kirogiri sighed. "Izuku, just because you trust someone doesn't mean they are incapable of doing bad things, and, Izuku, Toga is dead. Didn't you see the news report?"
Izuku looked down and thought back to the last time he had heard a news report. It was when he saw Toga at the hospital. He knew the news was on, but he wasn't exactly paying attention to it. He tried to remember what he heard on the news, and sure enough, he heard it.
"The villain Toga has officially been pronounced dead."
Izuku looked back up at the three and gave them a harsh glare. "The news lied! I saw her!"
Kirogiri stepped forward to be closer to Izuku. "I know this is hard, Izuku, but you have to face it. She's gone."
"No. She's. Not!" Izuku screamed. Mastermind covered his ears as Izuku began to wail and cry.
Kirogiri and Shiagraki tried to get closer to Izuku, but his flying fists wouldn't let them.
All of a sudden, Izuku sprinted away. Shigaraki and Kirogiri called for him to come back, but Izuku just kept on running; if they weren't going to listen to him then he wouldn't listen to them.
Once Izuku had run far enough to know the others couldn't see him, he stopped to catch his breath. He sat down crisscrossed.
Izuku wasn't just going to believe that Aizawa had hurt Toga. Aizawa has been super nice since he was taken by the L.O.V., and Toga isn't dead!
He knew he was right, but what if he wasn't? What if Aziawa really would hurt his family? What if Toga was dead, and he had just imagined her at the hospital?
Izuku sat there until he was brought out of the darkness and back into his room at Aizawa's home.
Shigaraki's POV
Mastermind deactivated his quirk and we were back in the apartment lobby. I sat down on the couch frustrated. Kids are hard to convince, aren't they?
It was silent for a moment before Mastermind spoke. "Well, we got what we needed."
"Kirogiri," I said, slightly sitting up from the couch. "Contact the rest of the league. Tell them to come to the new base and it's about Izuku. Mastermind, feel free to contact your vigilante friend to help us with this one. I'm sure he won't mind."
I slumped back down on the couch. "We'll attack UA in fourteen days on Saturday afternoon."
Kirogiri looked up from his phone. "The others want more information. What should I tell them?"
I looked over a Kirogiri with a grin on my face. "Tell them we're getting are Izuku back."

Just a dysfunctional Family
FanfictionWhen Shigaraki and the League of Villains were given the task of taking care of All For One's son, Izuku, they didn't know what to expect. But despite this, they came to love the little bundle of joy. In fact, they were as happy as could be with him...