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Shigaraki's POV

It had been about twenty minutes since Toga, Mr. Compress, and Mastermind had left and Dabi was flaming mad. Literally. We had to get Mustard down here to knock him out before he could burn down the warehouse.

Just as Dabi began to wake up again, we all got a text from Kirogiri, except for Kirogiri himself, his text was from me. All the texts said to go to the old base and that it was safe to live there again. It was obvious that someone else, most likely a pro hero, sent the text. First of all, Kirogiri is in the same room as me, we've lost contact with All For One, and Kirogiri hasn't left the warehouse today. There's no way that he could've known that the old base was safe to inhabit again. Second of all, the last word of the text wasn't capitalized. Everyone always capitalizes the last word of the texts they send to the members and allies of the league so if one of the members or allies ever got hacked or something like that we would know. It may seem random but this is the one thing that we could come up with that was subtle enough that anyone who would hack one of us wouldn't know to do but obvious enough that the league and its allies would notice if it wasn't there. 

The others and I ignored the text knowing that no one would go to the old base. Absolutely no one.

Mr. Compress's POV

Toga and I ran away from All Might as I opened up my text from Kirogiri and reread the last line. Just as I suspected, the last word wasn't capitalized.

"That wasn't Kirogiri who texted us. The last word wasn't capitalized, which is just stupid since the last word is Kirogiri. That's a name! It needs to be capitalized!" I told Toga as we ran behind a building to avoid a crowd. 

"Will you shut up about grammar! We have other things to worry about!" Toga yelled as we came out from behind the buildings and ran into another building.

We were at the old mall that was shut down after a villain attack. It was deemed unrepairable. This was one of the absolute worst places to end up at. We stood out like a sore thumb here!

All Might showed up here almost right after we got here. "At least he's the only one," Toga muttered to me, but just as she finished her sentence Hawks and Erasurehead showed up. "Come on, Toga. You jinxed it." I muttered to her.

"Surrender now. We have you surrounded." Hawks yelled. We heard sirens right outside the mall.

"Yeah, we're not doin' that," Toga yelled back. Toga grabbed my arm and dragged me along as she ran.

I followed Toga as she ran threw the mall, dodging Hawks's feathers and Erasurhead's capture tape. 

"You can't run forever, evildoer!" All Might yelled as Toga and I dodged a dozen of Hawks's feathers. "Yeah, well neither can you!" Toga called back.

I followed Toga into an old clothing shop. She looked around the room frantically until she found two old manikins in the corner.

"Compress, do you see the jewelry shop down there." She asked. I turned around to look out the window of the shop. On the other side of the mall, there was a small jewelry shop. I could barely see it since we were so far from the jewelry shop.

"Yes, I see it."

"Good," Toga said turning to me. "Do you see the hot topic store?"

On one of the upper floors of the mall, there was a relatively large hot topic store. I wasn't as far as the jewelry shop but it was still a ways away.

"Yes, I see the shop."

"Okay, I need you to compress these manikins and throw one to each shop. They'll give us some time to get out of this shop. After that, I need you to get Erasurehead's attention. He'll be the easiest to deal with. Lead him away from the mall and go to the gas station a few blocks away. While you're going there, text Kirogiri and get him to make a portal there for you." 

"When are you gonna meet back up with me?" I asked while staring out the shop window, trying to find the pros. "I'm not." She replied.

I turned to Toga, who was ripping the head off an All Might figurine she found. 

"What do you mean you're not gonna meet up with me?" I asked as I put my hand on her shoulder, which made her flinch slightly.

"These are some of the strongest heroes in Japan, there's no way we're both getting out of here." Toga replied. She pushed my hand off her shoulder.

"But I don't wanna lose you," I muttered. "Oh shut up, it's not like I'm gonna die." She said with a small smile. 

"At least try to meet me at the gas station," I said with a frown on my face. 

"Ok, I'll try to get back, but I can't make any promises." She said, walking over to the door. I sighed and walked to the corner of the room.

"When I open the door, throw the manikins. Got it?" She asked. I nodded slightly.

"Oh, one more thing," Toga said as she turned to me while I was grabbing the manikins. "When your close to the gas station, call me. If I don't answer then they got me for sure." I nodded and ran up to Toga's side.

She opened the door and I threw the manikins, which made a loud crashing sound. Hawks and Erasurehead went to investigate while All Might continued looking for us. Toga ran towards All Might while I ran to the shop where Erasurehead went to investigate. While I made my way to Erasurehead, I grabbed a few small items that I could use to get his attention.

When I made it to the shop that Erasurehead was investing, I threw one of the items I compressed. The item I threw just barely missed his head. He turned to me with a scowl on his face and he sent his scarf towards me. Guess I only needed one item.

I jumped to avoid Erasurehead's scarf and ran out of the building, with Erasurehead right on my tail. He sent his scarf after me dozens of times, but every time he sent it I would dodge it just barely.

As I ran, I saw the gas station coming up. I immediately grabbed my phone out of my pocket to call Toga and I listened to the phone ring.

Toga's POV

I ran from the two heroes that were on my tail. As I was running, I felt a buzzing in my pocket. It was my phone, Mr. Compress was calling, meaning he was almost at the gas station. 

I tried to answer the call, but Hawks sent a feather towards me. I dodged the feather, but he wasn't aiming for me, he was aiming for my phone. His feather went strait threw my phone.

"Oh, come on! Those are expensive!" I yelled as I dropped the phone, knowing I had no need for it anymore. 

"Give up, evildoer!" All Might yelled. I ignored him and kept on running.

Hawks sent two more feathers and these feathers managed to pin me against a nearby wall with one hand above my head and one pinned against my side. 

"Can't run now can 'ya?" Hawks said as he walked up right behind me.

"Well no duh! I'd like to see you try to run like this." I said, slightly muffled by the wall. 

"Yeah, no thanks, kid." He muttered as he pulled out his phone and dailies a number. 

As he made his call, I felt something sharp against my leg. I was trying to figure out what it was when I remembered it was my knife. 

I smirked as I used the arm that was pinned to my side to pull my knife out of its holster. I pulled my hand back to my side and forced my knife into Hawks's leg.

"AH FU-" "Oh shut up! I've had way worse!" I yelled. I ran to the exit with Hawks flying above me and All Might nowhere to be seen. 

I was running as fast as I could to the mall doors. When I finally reached them, I felt a wave of relief go over my entire body. I grabbed the handle of the door to open it, but before I could, I felt a sharp pain in my back and stomach. I looked down to see one of Hawks's feathers impaling my stomach. 

My vision got spotty, but I didn't stop moving. I opened the door and ran as fast as I could towards the gas station, but my vision got worse and worse as I went on until I finally collapsed and everything went black.

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