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Mastermind's POV

"Why the hell do you think this is his fault!?"

"Why would I not think this is his fault!?"

I stood there in the corner of the meeting place, silently trying to block out Toga and Dabis' argument as I tried to hold back tears. I hate it when people yell.

"You can't trust him! Just think, he never uses his quirk, he never shows his face, we don't know who he is and he always randomly disappears! He could easily be hiding tons of information he has on Izuku!" Dabi howled as he stormed back and forth between the warehouse, setting ablaze anything is that was in his path.

"First of all, he doesn't tell you who he is because he doesn't trust you! Second of all, what reason does he have to hide information on Izuku's situation from us!?" Toga yelled back as Dabi continued to rampage around the warehouse while the others and I tried to stay out of his way.

"What reason does he have to not hide information from us! It's been a month! He's had to find something!" Dabi shrieked as I covered my ears, still attempting to block out the yelling.

"I doubt he's even at UA when he's out trying to get information." Dabi said surprisingly quiet. I began to calm down now that Dabi and Toga had ended their screaming match, but my sadness, anxiety, and fear came back one hundred times worse when Dabi walked up to me and said, "What are you really doing when you go out to spy on UA? Are you out with your mommy and daddy?"

Toga's POV

As Dabi finished his sentence, you could see Mastermind visibly shaking.

"Never mention his parents. Don't even joke about them."Mr. Compress said sternly to Dabi as In ran up to Mastermind. I put my arm around his shoulder and Mr. Compress and I led him out of the meeting place, leaving behind an infuriated Dabi and a confused league.


We had arrived at the relatively large apartment where Mr. Compress and Mastermind had lived for years and where I had been staying since the attack on the base. Mr. Compress and I sat Mastermind down on the couch in the living room. Mr. Compress took off Mastermind's mask to reveal his red-eyed, tear-stained face.

I wiped away the fresh tears on his cheeks and brought him into a hug where he began to cry into my shoulder. I put one hand on the back of his head and the other on his upper back as I looked to Mr. Compress, wondering what I should say or do to calm our friend down.

"They can't hurt you anymore." Mr. Compress said as Mastermind's sobs began to slow as he slowly calmed down.

I lifted Mastermind's head off my shoulder and had him look at Mr. Compress, who was a lot better at comforting than I was.

"I know it's gonna be hard, and maybe impossible, to forget them, but they can't hurt you." Mr. Compress said. Mastermind's tears had almost stopped completely as he calmed down.

"Also, feel free to ignore Dabi. He's a prick." Mr. Compress added, which made Mastermind chuckle slightly. Just then, Mr. Compress and I got a text from Kirogiri.

"Looks like they need Toga and me back at the old base. They think it's safe to use it again." Mr. Compress said as he scrolled threw a long text message. I looked over his shoulder to read his message and I realized we got the same one. I backed away as Mr. Compress quietly finished reading the message. When he was done reading, he looked up from his phone and to Mastermind with concern in his eyes.

"Ya think you'll be ok being alone for a bit?" He asked calmly.

"Yeah, I'll be....fine." Mastermind muttered quietly.

Mr. Compress nodded a got up, walking to the door. I followed, but not before hugging Mastermind, which made him smile slightly. But as I left, out of the corner of my eye, I saw that smile disappear and be replaced with a saddened look.

I sighed as I walked out the door with Mr. Compress. As we were walking, I silently hoped that we wouldn't have that sort of situation with Dabi again, but knowing our luck, we had one hundred of these situations just waiting around the corner.


Mr. Compress's POV

As we made our way into the old base something felt...off.

The others weren't here yet. How would've they known it was safe here if they weren't there themselves? Toga also pointed out that all the windows, which they had left open, were closed and the couch was in a different place than where they left it. Just then, we heard such an annoying sound.

"You will terrorize no more, evildoers, because I am here!"


So hi. I wanted to apologize for not posting a lot lately. I've just been doing other things and my motivation comes and goes. I will usually right up a chapter and then I'll end up hating how it came out or come up with a new idea so I'll end up deleting the chapter and starting all over again. So to make a long story short, (too late)(if you get that I love you) my ideas go bye-bye. 

If you read this and didn't skip thank you! Have a cookie 🍪

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