Kirogiri's POV
"So Oboro, how've you been?"
I stared at them blankly. I tilted my head slightly and asked, "Who is Oboro?"
The three heroes looked at me in disbelief. "That's your name." Midnight said.
I shook my head. "That is not my name. Perhaps you are in the wrong cell."
Present Mic groaned, frustrated. "I'm not doing this." He went to the door and opened it. He called out. "Someone bring me the Kirogiri file!" He stood there before someone came running down the hall with the file. He took it from them and returned to the room, closing the door behind him.
Present Mic opened the file to the first page and put it up to the glass. "That's you!" He flipped through the file and found even more photos of Oboro. "That's you too!" He flipped through all the pages of pictures until there were no more. He took the file off the glass and closed it. "You seriously don't know who Oboro is?"
I shook my head no. Present Mic huffed and headed for the door.
"Where are you going?" Midnight asked.
Present Mic sighed. "I'm done with this." Present Mic left the room, leaving the door open.
Midnight stared at Present mic in disbelief. "You've been here for less than a minute!" Midnight yelled down the hall.
"I don't care!" Present mic screeched. Midnight and Eraserhead covered their ears and the glass separating us shattered.
The two heroes removed their hands from their ears. "I'm gonna go keep him from screaming more." Midnight said. She left the room, closing the door behind her.
It was silent for a moment.
"So you really don't remember anything about us?" Eraserhead asked. I shook my head.
Tears began to form in Eraserhead's eyes. "But we're your friends. How can you just forget us?"
I sighed. "I don't have time for this. I'm just going to teleport away now." I tried to use my quirk but nothing happened.
"You can't," Eraserhead said. "Those are quirk canceling cuffs."
I groaned and cursed myself for being so dumb. Of course, they would have something to keep me from using my quirk.
"You're not going anywhere with those," Eraserhead said, small tears rolling down his cheeks.
I thought I would have to listen to him cry for who knows how long, but then I got an idea.
I held my hands out of the glass towards Eraserhead. "Let me go."
Eraserhead stared at me as if I was crazy. "What?"
"You said you are my friend. If you really are my friend, then you'll let me go."
Eraserhead continued to stare at me, but eventually, he did agree. He searched his pockets for something to help him when he found a bobby pin. He used the bobby pin to unlock the handcuffs. He grabbed the handcuffs off of me and threw them behind him.
"Thank you," I said quietly. "I would recommend you leave if you don't want to get shot."
Immediately, the hero nodded and left the room. When he left I jumped over the broken glass and grabbed the quirk canceling cuffs. They could be useful.
I activated my quirk and the guns began to fire. I covered myself with my portals so I wouldn't get shot, and teleported to the base.
When I arrived everyone's attention went to me.
"Oh, thank goodness you're here!" Mr. Compress ran up to me. "We have a bit of a situation."
"Are you serious?" I said in disbelief. "I have been gone for less than two days. What the hell could you have messed up?"
Magne spoke up. "Well to be fair it isn't really our fault."
"Will you just hurry up and tell me what's wrong!" I yelled.
"So pretty much when you didn't come back from U.A. Shigaraki began to panic and that turned into a tantrum and that turned into him trying to destroy the building." Spinner said, panic in his voice. "Nobody can calm him down. Not even Dabi and I can calm him down. So can you go and try because if you don't the building might disintegrate."
I glared at the group of villains in front of me. "Fine, but you need to learn to deal with stuff yourself."
I went to the stairs and climbed to the third floor where Shigaraki's room was. I walked to his room and knocked on the door.
When he didn't answer I opened the door myself.
The sight in the room was a disturbing one, to say the least.
Cracks and dust filled every inch of the room. The floor was slowly crumbling and the walls and roof were barely staying together. In the middle of the room was Shigaraki writhing in pain on the floor. Bits of his flesh were disintegrating, only to reappear just seconds later. Almost like a glitch.
The scene in front of me terrified and confused me, but I knew exactly what was going on when Shigaraki looked up at me, fear evident in his eyes.
He wasn't doing this by choice.
This was a quirk malfunction, no doubt.
Hello, my ghost mice! Sorry I haven't posted in like two months. A magical thing called covid and forced religion happened so yeah. Anyways I'll probably see you guys soon. The next chapter shouldn't take long. It should be out by Saturday. If it's not out by then, just tell me to get writing in the comments or something. Seriously, that would help a lot with getting this thing finished. Anyways, love ya my ghost mice. Bye, bye!

Just a dysfunctional Family
FanfictionWhen Shigaraki and the League of Villains were given the task of taking care of All For One's son, Izuku, they didn't know what to expect. But despite this, they came to love the little bundle of joy. In fact, they were as happy as could be with him...