Chapter 1: Meet Alias and Nickname

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Alias's POV

"What the heck, Nickname!? Put me down!"

"You have duties to attend to. Stop trying to sleep." He ordered.

"Hey, I'm the boss!" I pouted and banged my hands against his fingers.

"That's what you think, tiny." He laughed and transformed.

"I don't want to go to school! Just for today please? I have a presentation!" I whined.

"Haven't you been complaining all week about working hard on that project because your partner was always missing? Why is she going to present it if she didn't do anything?" He asked.

"It's her job now! I work, she goes in front of the class while I mourn my social life at home." I explained.

"You wouldn't have to mourn your social life if you spoke to people." He said.

"Why would I ever want to talk to someone?" I asked.

"Same reason you talk to me."

"Psh..." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms as we neared the school building.

"Have a good day at school. Make friends!" Nickname said.

"I have enough friends." I mumbled as I patted his hood and set off into the school building.

I walked into home room and walked over to my partner and I's desk. Jack was standing in front of the desk talking to Miko, my very annoying partner.

She looked over and her eyes widened, she shoved Jack away.

"Go away Jack! History is being made! Alias is actually here for a presentation!" She squealed.

I rolled my eyes and sat down, slouching.

"What, did your parents force you?" She asked.

"You could say that." I muttered, very unhappy.


My day was not completely horrible. Of course first hour was terrible. I always somehow sound angry when I speak to the whole class. I have no idea why, it just happens, I'm not even angry.

Miko explained her half so she got a good grade, I explained mine.

A few kids peed their pants when I glared at them while giving the presentation, but other than that, it wasn't very eventful.

Nah, I'm kidding. No one peed themselves. Which is unfortunate, it would have made me feel better.

The rest of the day went by rather well, I stayed away from Miko, talked about hacking things with Raf, and stared at everyone suspiciously.

I notice everything that goes on, so a lot of the time I'm conspiring about everyone. Like how Jack had wanted a bike forever and never stopped talking about it. Then one day he suddenly had one and never spoke a word about it. The same day, Raf got a new car, and the day after that Miko did. Now it's their regular pickups.

It was suspicious until I hacked security cameras and found out that they were Autobots.

I still don't like Miko though. She has no dedication to school and I'm pretty sure she hates me too, because I have no dedication to as she says, 'Making friends and having fun.'

I have two friends! And I am very fun, thank you very much Miss overkill.

Raf was my only human friend, we bonded over computers. Lately though, he has been hanging out with Miko and Jack, ever since they bonded over Autobots.

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