Chapter 2: It's All Going Wrong

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Optimus's POV

"Optimus, the storm is really getting bad. I couldn't even drive Jack here, he had to go in Bulkhead. And not just because he's spongy. " Arcee reported after the six of them drove back in.

"We are fine in here." Ratchet said.

I nodded in agreement.

The storm continued to rage for a few minutes before Ratchet spoke up.

"Optimus. I'm getting a very large energon reading right here in Jasper. It might be a Decepticon hide out that's cloaking technology was broken in the storm." Ratchet said.

I saw everyone look at each other nervously. They wouldn't object, but they didn't want to go out in the storm. I shook my head.

"Bring up a groundbridge. I'll check it out and report back if there is anything out there." I said.

Ratchet nodded and messed with controls, making a groundbridge swirl into existence.

"Are you sure, Optimus?" Bulkhead asked, "It was really windy...."

"We cannot risk the Decepticons leaving their location because of the exposure. Acting now is the best course." I told him then looked to Ratchet. "Ratchet. You're in charge."

I walked through the groundbridge and stepped next to an abandoned gas station, by the looks of it. The wind had torn off a giant chunk of the roof and the whole place was in terrible shape, but I doubt it was a result of just this storm. It's probably been here for a long time.

"Optimus. If the readings are correct, and I don't doubt they are, then the bunker should be just below the gas station and under you." Ratchet said.

"How do you suspect that I will gain entry?" I asked.

"If we know the Decepticons well enough, once they know you are there, they will come." Arcee said.

I nodded and circled the gas station looking for an entry while I waited for something to happen.

Over the sound of the roaring wind, I heard engines and turned away from the gas station, where Decepticons were heading towards me.

They had come much closer than usual before I heard them, due to the wind being so loud. I didn't have time to contact the group transformed and jumped onto me.

I stumbled back and noticed that the size of these Decepticons were much much smaller than the usual and while some bore the Decepticon insigna, others bore none.

"Hold you fire! I mean no harm!" I yelled, hoping that they were rouges.

They hesitated for a moment before attacking even more harshly. I was barely deflecting their attacks, there was five of them.

They were so small and hard to hit, while their swords cut long glashes into my mesh.

I was confused. Megatron's forces lacked the processors that older bots had and could not act so wisely. I focused on the appearances of these bots more and noticed that they were indeed older, but why had I never seen them before?

One of them grabbed my kneecap and pushed off, jumping onto my shoulder and shimming up my body. I tried to swatt him and he stabbed my digit.

I cried out as they continously stabbed me. Finally I had enough and I tried to ignore the pain and attacks so that I could contact Ratchet and the others for backup. I pressed my communicator and heard a low whine.

It had been damaged by the one on my head. I growled and dropped to the ground, rolling around, trying to squish them.

Ratchet would send backup eventually if I ceased to answer his calls. It shouldn't be too long now.

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