Chapter 8: Poison

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Ratchet's POV

I huffed. Nickname was obviously not as experienced as he was before he lost his memories. Nor was he the technical genius that Alias was when she made these very complex medallions.

"What if you try to stick them together, like puzzle peices?" He asked.

"No, Nickname. That would not work. Will you please leave me to work in peace!?" I asked.

Optimus walked over, "It's not bad to worry about Alias's safety, but perhaps it is best to let Ratchet work alone." He suggested.

I sighed in relief as Optimus led Nickname away. He was like a sparkling and he was older than me!

"Ratchet!" I heard three voices yell panickedly.

I shot up and ran over to them, immediately seeing Jack holding Alias, who was clutching her helm with a look of agony on her faceplate.

"What happened?" I asked, picking her up.

I sent a quick glare at Miko, but she put her hands uo in surrender.

"Wasn't me! She just started doing it!" Miko said.

"Yeah, she was laughing on the couch. Acting normal and then all the sudden, she falls off and starts holding her head." Raf said as I scanned her in my servo.

Suddenly Alias's breathed evened out and she groaned, letting go of her helm and sitting up.

"Alias?" I asked.

"If you're going to ask again, the answer is no. I feel like cow dung." She said suddenly, her voice sounding normal.

I raised an eyebrow and saw the scan finish. I compared it to her first scan and saw an immediate difference.

Other than her various injuries, Alias had something in her body. Like an illness, but it was red, reminding me of Optimus's description of a weapon they used on her. The worst of it was in her abdominal area, but had already lightly covered her entire body.

"I think the hunters poisoned you with their weapons. Luckily, I think Bulkhead will have residue on his hammer I can use to make a remedy." I explained.

She nodded, "Lovely."

"I don't know how the infection will progress, so the three of you need to keep a close eye on her. Tell me if anything happens." I said, looking at the others as I put Alias down on the couch.

She crossed her arms in annoyance.

"Try to get some recharge." I told her before walking away to tell Optimus and the others.

They took it very well, which was good because they should be used to bad news by now. Nickname actually seemed the least worried, which I thought was strange, considering how concerned he always is for her.

I went back to my work area and started looking at the computer, checking to make sure there hadn't been any Decepticon signals popping up while I was gone.

I heard a metallic cling and looked to my side on the table. Alias laid on her stomach with her feet propped up in the air, working on something.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Fixing my medallions." She told me calmly, not even looking up.

"Didn't I tell you to get some rest?" I asked sternly.

"Not tired."

"And where are the others? I asked them to watch you." I looked around and spotted them.

All three of them were running around panickedly, probably looking for their temporary charge.

"They keep forgetting I can fly." Alias said with amusement clear in her voice.

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