Chapter 3: I Don't Like You

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Alias's POV

I walked through the portal and immediately looked at the most distinctive thing in the room first, which was a bright yellow Autobot and he had his blaster raised at Nickname.

I yelped and ran forward, he didn't shoot Nickname and instead glanced down at me as my armour spread to cover me and I stabbed my sword into his pede.

He yelped and kicked me, sending me flying and I spread my wings, but an Autobot grabbed me just as I did so. I noticed immediately from the white and orange lined digits that it wasn't Nickname.

Both of my arms were trapped, but my wings were out so I tried to fly out of my captor's hands, but to no avail. I just flapped panickedly like a bird trapped in a fishing line.

I saw Nickname aim one blaster behind me and the other at Optimus Prime, who was the closest bot to him.

All the other bots in the room raised their blasters at Nickname.

I knew this was a bad idea.

Suddenly Optimus Prime walked between Nickname and Bumblebee with his hands raised.

"Everyone put your weapons down." He said sternly and when nobody moved, he added, "Now."

Slowly, the Autobots lowered their blasters, but didn't put them away. Nickname kept his out and aimed at both Ratchet and Optimus Prime.

"Put the human down and I'll put my guns down." Nickname said.

"Optimus?" The bot behind me asked.

"Put her down."

I was lowered slowly and agonizingly to the ground, where I immediately ran to Nickname and held my sword at my side, but pointed down.

"I believe this was all just a misunderstanding." Optimus Prime said.

"There's nothing to misunderstand about a blaster being pointed at someone." I said dully.

He shook his head, "I believe Bumblebee has a good reason for raising his blaster."

Suddenly Bumblebee started beeping and I recognized some of it from morse code.

"boss- killed- trust- earth- never- dead." I scrunched my brows in confusion.

"I don't know. I had no memories when I woke up in a pod on Earth." Nickname said.

He can understand this?

"Ratchet. Do you believe you could run a scan on our friend here?" Optimus Prime asked.

Please say no. Please say no. Please say no.

"If that is what you think is best." Ratchet, the bot who had caught me earlier said.

Nickname, I know you wanted to be in charge for this, but please decline. You almost got shot! Please say no! I mentally begged while glaring at the medic.

Nickname nodded and walked over to the medic, who was keeping a close eye on him. Nickname looked overjoyed to be with his own kind, but I could see the distrust in everyone else.

I resisted the urge to facepalm as I slowly followed Nickname.

The medic turned around and held something out, which projected a blue laser and scanned Nickname.

He turned to the screen. This was a terrible idea.

"There seems to be a small block in his pri cortex that I cannot fix without damaging other parts of his processor. There is a chance that it could be knocked into place." He explained.

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