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Arcee's POV

Obviously, they were not working for the 'cons.

Decepticons would have never fought like that during an infiltration. Or spoken such personal words. That was all real.

Ratchet silently opened the groundbridge and Optimus and I walked through, with Nickname, who apparently wanted to go because he thought Alias might go there.

Optimus was right, this place was far too small for anyone else to have come.

I crouched down and looked at a computer, tell tale signs that Soundwave had been here left behind. Mainly the stab marks that his tentacles left.

"Optimus, Soundwave was here." I said, pointing.

He nodded.

I looked over at Nickname, who was kneeling next to a pile of scrap with a look of horror on his face.

"What's wrong?" Optimus asked.

"These medallions, took Alias months to make. They hid her signal from the hunters when she wasn't in base." He said.

I frowned, again with the power hunters trying to kill the human girl.

"We should-" Optimus was cut off as an eerie cackle echoed through the room.

"You should what? Surrender? After all, I have you at a disadvantage." The voice laughed.

"Megatron. What do you want?"

"I found some bots with interest in your small friend. I believe it would be in your best interests to turn her over." Megatron said.

"Never." Optimus said.

"Then I suppose you wouldn't mind me blowing the three of you to scraps?"

Immediately Ratchet opened a groundbridge upon hearing that through our comms, and we all lunged for it.

I jumped through and the explosion sounded behind us, the shockwave was the only thing that made it through after us, thankfully. But it rattled the base violently.

I saw Bumblebee narrowly avoid stumbling on top of Miko.

"EEE!" She squealed, lunging away and falling on her butt.

I straightened myself from my crouched position and shook my helm. That was loud.

"Did Alias come back?" Nickname asked Ratchet worriedly.

"No." Ratchet shook his own helm.

I saw Optimus frown, "Ratchet do you think you could use these peices to track Alias?" He asked.

I looked at the scrap he put on the table.

"Good thinking Optimus." I complimented him.

He nodded as Ratchet picked through it.

"That depends on many variables, but I will try." Ratchet said.

"I'm sorry guys, for bringing you all into my mess." Nickname apologized, looking upset.

Optimus stepped forward and put his servo on Nickname's shoulderplate, "It is not your fault that this is happening and we are happy to lend you a servo in helping protect your friend from our shared enemies."

"Thank you Optimus." He smiled weakly.

"Guys, I'm getting a large reading of unusual Decepticon activity. It's not Alias, but I'm working on her. You should check this out while I am working." Ratchet said, looking up momentarily from his work.

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