Chapter 17: Nickname

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Alias stepped up to the edge of the glass window, her eyes looking over the new city of Iacon. Rebuilt after years of work done by the bots.

Dozens of ships flew by her room, passing by with a speed that shook the building. It would have startled most, but Alias was used to it by now.

She turned away, grabbing her shoes and heading for the door. As she stepped out of her room, Alias breathed in the smell of Cybertron.

Tasted like car exhaust. It was horrible.

Good thing Alias was used to that too.

"Good morning." Optimus stated, looking up from his datapad.

"What are you doing?" She demanded.

"Um... working?"

Ratchet stepped into the room, glaring at Optimus.

"What happened to you not working on Sundays?" Ratchet demanded, crossing his arms.

"I was just finishing up from yesterday!" Optimus exclaimed, setting it down dramatically. "You both are ridiculous!"

"And you used to think I was a workaholic." Ratchet muttered, dropping his glare and grabbing some energon from the kitchen.

Alias flew up to the counter, her gaze set on the tiny little box of cereal in the corner. She stuck her hand in and started eating the marshmallows only.

Optimus stared at her for a minute in disapproval before huffing and turning away. "You both do realize that Cybertron does not have Sundays right?"

Ratchet scoffed. "And you realize we are in constant contact with the planet Earth? We know which twenty four hours are Sunday."

"That's not even fair." He grumbled.

"We're helping you avoid stress." Alias smiled at him smugly.

He glared at her. "Hey Ratchet. Alias is eating the marshmallows again."

Before either of them could even blink, the box disappeared from Alias's hand and reappeared in Ratchet's.

"That's not fair!" Alias glared at him.

"I'm helping you avoid unhealthy foods." Optimus shrugged.

"I told you to eat the little boat weight things too! You can't just eat the marshmallows! It's not healthy." Ratchet scolded her.

"And? I'm 23! I can do whatever I want!"

Optimus and Ratchet stared at her. Unimpressed.

"Is 23 supposed to be a big number?" Optimus questioned.

"Yes! I'm an adult!"

"Ha!" Ratchet laughed obnoxiously. "You've only been alive for 23 years, Alias. Give it a few decades and we'll let you make your own eating decisions."

She collapsed in exasperation. "I could just say that you are both super old and senile."

"There are no wrenches in the kitchen." Ratchet noted, passing Optimus a look.

"Maybe we should change that." Optimus added.

"If you hit me with a wrench, I will literally go: splat." Alias pointed out. "That's a bad idea."

There was a knock on the door and she launched up, flying over quickly in excitement.

"Free labour." Ratchet stated, leaning on the counter next to Optimus.

Optimus smirked, watching as whoever was on the other side went through the purifying systems and into the oxygen tank. Then the door finally opened.

"Bulkhead! Miko!" Alias grinned, hugging the human and a single neck cable.

"Happy birthday!" They cheered.

Everyone paused.

Bulkhead and Miko looked at Ratchet and then Miko pulled off her oxygen mask aggressively, throwing it at the ground. Alias caught it before it could crack.

"He did it again!" She yelled, kicking the side of Bulkhead's face.

He gave her a small glare. "This is your fault."

"This is the fourth time you've let Agent Fowler trick you into thinking it's my birthday." Ratchet stated. "When are you to learn?"

"I don't understand why he hates my company so much!" Miko exclaimed. "Nobody else goes to talk to him unless June actually gets off of work. Which never happens."

"They should retire." Alias decided.

"Fowler did, actually, for a few months, but it got boring, so he decided to jump back into the workforce." Bulkhead informed her.


"Anyway, why don't we go hang out?" Miko suggested. "I haven't seen you in weeks."

Optimus watched as the two humans ran off before looking at Bulkhead. "We can handle them for a few hours if you'd like."

"Oh thank Primus." Bulkhead sighed. "Miko on Cybertron is like Miko in a mall on drugs."

"How do you know what Miko is like on drugs!?" Ratchet demanded, straightening suddenly.

Bulkhead took a step back from the doctor of doom and raised his hands in surrender. "No, no! It's an Earth expression."

"Oh okay." Optimus and Ratchet calmed down immediately.

That has happened countless times before.

"You are the bomb, Ratchet!"


Optimus stood up as Bulkhead exited the house through their door.

"Where are you going?" Ratchet questioned.

"Our room." He replied.

The two of them shut the door to their berthroom behind them and Optimus pressed a button, turning on the screen for Alias's room. They came across the sight of both girls pressed against Alias's window and Miko squeaked back in surprise as a ship sped by.

"We did a pretty good job didn't we?" Ratchet turned it off and pulled Optimus away.

"That we did."

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