Chapter 4: Story Time

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Optimus's POV

"She's lying." Arcee accused.

"Ha! Believe whatever you want. I don't know or care about where the bots came from. Nor do I care about your opinion." Alias told Arcee snarkily.

"Well ma-" I cut Arcee off before the two females could begin to fight.

"Enough. It's possible that Cybertronians had come here before we arrived for another purpose." I said.

"Well, if I got you the picture, you could identify them..." Alias said.

"It's too dangerous." Ratchet insisted.

"For you? Maybe. But I'm small and cute. Plus, if Decepticons got into the base while neither of us were there, it would have already exploded." Alias explained.

"You rigged your own base to blow?" Miko asked, "That's so cool! And I thought you were a killjoy!"

"It's not cool at all. It's precautionary." She scoffed.

"Whatever floats your boat." Miko hummed.

Alias glared.

"Let me go. It's better than being here." She grumbled.

"Optimus?" Ratchet asked.

"Fine, but you will be accompanied by Bulkhead and me." I decided.

"Babysitters?" She asked, clearly aggravated.

"No, we will come to guar- assist you." I explained.

"Mm. Fine." She decided.

Raf walked up to her and tapped her shoulder. I watched the two of them closely, Alias was not to be trusted. Unlike her friend, she clearly did not trust us and based on Bumblebee's foot, she was willing to attack us at a moments notice.

I would have to speak to Raf separately later to ask about the girl.

"So um, you have mechanical wings? How long did it take to build them?" Raf asked.


He stared at her for a moment, confused before realization dawned in his expression.

"Those aren't really...?"

"They are." She said stiffly before dissipating both her sword and armour.

"It looks like Cybertronian metal." Ratchet observed.

"Oh. I guess there is a lot we didn't know about each other." Raf muttered.

"So you're still keeping secrets?" Alias asked, raising an eyebrow in surprise.

"No, I was talking about me knowing the Autobots." He said.

"Oh, I already knew about that."

"You knew about me and the Autobots before this?" He asked.

"I'm not blind Raf. When a person magically gains a car, along with two other random students and they all are friends the next day, it's kind of suspicious. Not that Jack always talks about getting a motorcycle and didn't say a word when he actually got one. Oh, or my favorite. The Autobot insignias on the cars." She deadpanned.

Raf looked at his feet, "Oh."

The possibility arose that Alias had befriended Raf because of his connection to us, but I dismissed it easily. If that was so, she probably would have relied on his presence when we questioned whether or not we could trust them.

The groundbridge opened and Alias glared at it for a moment before walking over to it and leaving a confused and sad Raf behind.

I gave him a pitiful look before following her. Bulkhead walked behind us and I realized that he had been especially quiet lately.

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