Chapter 11: Cruel

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Alias's POV


I snapped awake, pulling out my sword and armour, pointing it in the direction of Miko's screams.


I scoffed, rolling my eyes and sitting back down.

Wait. Why was I sleeping on the floor?

I stood back up and looked around. Ratchet was working on his monitor, as usual.

"Hey Ratchet, where is Nickname?" I asked.

"Oh, I don't know. He left to go get air after he woke up." Ratchet told me distantly.

I frowned. Why would he leave me behind? On the floor no less?

Hmp. I'll ask him when he gets back.

I flew up the the human area and saw that Jack was carrying a spider on a remote as Miko watched him warily. Nurse Darby was sitting next to Raf as both of them watched in boredom.

I turned around and jumped off, gliding to Ratchet's work table. My medallions were still completely broken. Thankfully it wouldn't take as long to make them, since I know what to do this time.

I got to work, reconnecting the wires and using my wings like a hammer. They were stronger than my hands and more precise than my foot.

I heard the door open as Nickname drove in. I stood up and glided over as he tranformed. I landed on his shoulder.

"Hey, what-"

He cut me off, "Would you get off me?"

I was taken aback, but I nodded and got off, hovering a few feet away.

"Um, Nickname is something wrong?" I asked.

"Yeah. An annoying meatbag is following me around." He said before walking away.

I felt a piece of ice stab into my heart as he walked over to Ratchet and started talking about the Decepticons.

I flew back over to the medallions and sat down quietly.

Maybe he just had a bad dream last night or something. But... he called me a meatbag and annoying. Nickname never treats me like that.

I looked over at him talking to Ratchet, who didn't seem bothered.

I looked back down quickly, trying to focus on fixing the medallion.

Not long later, more footsteps sounded as Optimus walked in. He looked at me and came over.

"How is your work going?" He asked.

"Fine. It's fine." I said.

He frowned, "Is something wrong?"

"No, everything is fine. How did you sleep?" I asked.

"Functionally." He replied, looking around the room.

"Ratchet and Nickname seem to be getting along." He noted.

"Yeah. They're real buddies." I said bitterly.

He looked down in surprise.

"Sorry. I woke up on the wrong side of... the floor." I frowned.

"The floor?" He asked.

I shrugged, "It's been a strange week."

He nodded, "That it has."

Bumblebee and Arcee came in together, making a b-line for their human friends who eagerly greeted them. Bulkhead drove in with Miko not long after and Optimus left to go talk to Ratchet.

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