Chapter 16: Oath

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Special Third POV

Alias flew away from Fowler toward the base quickly, slightly annoyed that the Agent had pulled her away from the others. It was nice to know that he cared for her wellbeing, but it better not happen again.


Her wings froze up in shock and she plummeted for a moment before looking down at the bot below.

Cautiously, suspiciously, she glided down and landed in front of him. Fowler should pass this area on his way back to base soon. Reinforcements would come.

"Windstone." Alias greeted coldly.

He knelt down, his face consumed with grief. Alias stepped back and once again, the bots's expression twisted in hurt. The feeling was built so clearly into his faceplate that my stomach squeezed with empathy. But she did not drop her threatening stare.

"Alias I'm so sorry. You have to forgive me." He begged. "Soundwave returned my memories, but I forgot about my time on Earth. It was coming back, slowly, in memory purges, but I didn't realize..."

Alias narrowed her eyes.

"Don't look at me like that, please. I said horrible things to you, but I wasn't in control. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." The bot told her, his voice sounding like it was on the verge of breaking.

"You were working for the Decepticons! You almost got Optimus and Ratchet killed!" Alias accused.

He looked down. "I know. I... I was a different bot on Cybertron, but you changed me. You showed me love and compassion. I... Please, Alias. Please forgive me."

Alias didn't answer immediately. She wanted to. She really, really wanted to. To tell him that all was forgiven and let everything go back to the way it was.

But she xouldn't. He hurt her. The one person she'd placed her undying trust in turned on her. Alias didn't know if she would ever be able to look at him the same again.

"Alias, please." He resumed his begging, reaching for the winged human. "I wasn't in my right mind! I-"

She pulled away from his hand as it neared her and Nickname cut himself off, his face dissolving into despair.

"What have I done?" He muttered, standing up and stepping away. "I can't do this. I look at you when you look at me like that. With distrust. Betrayal. I- I can't stand it. Please. Please forgive me."

"I want to, Nickname." Alias whispered. "I do."

"Then do." He urged, getting back down on his knee.

A thought suddenly came to mind and she looked back at him. "How did you get off of the Nemesis?"

"None of that matters right now. Just you and me." He told her. "I-"

"No. Answer the question, Windstone."

Nickname and Alias turned around in surprise and Optimus walked closer, this blaster raised at the possible Decepticon.

Alias opened her mouth, to object to Optimus pointing the weapon at her friend, but then she realized... The blaster should be pointed at him. He was a traitor. An enemy.


Innocent until proven guilty? Already done. Now he was guilty until proven innocent.

"They thought I was one of them." Nickname replied, standing up. "I just asked Soundwave."

"And he let you off? Without question?" Optimus interrogated.

"Soundwave can't speak." Nickname stated bluntly.

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