Chapter 9: Alliances

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Raf's POV

I frowned. Within an hour, Alias had fallen unconscious and didn't wake up. Ratchet was working diligently on making something to help her, along with Nurse Darby.

Bulkhead was out with Miko because she had to get home before dark. I did too, which was why Bumblebee had tried to bring me home.

But Nickname actually wanted to talk with me.

Of course, Bumblebee is driving behind us because although he likes Nickname, he doesn't trust him enough to be alone with me.

We noticed that he wasn't too worried about Alias at first. He claimed that she used to get sick all the time, but always got better.

However, as her condition got worse and worse, he became less calm and started bothering Ratchet.

Which was another reason he was out. Optimus thought that Ratchet would start throwing wrenches if Nickname didn't leave him alone.

And usually that only happened to Bulkhead and Wheeljack.

"So... this is awkward." Nickname said.

"Oh. Sorry, I was lost in thought." I told him.

He laughed, "Happens to Alias all the time. You remind me of her when she was younger you know?"

"Me? But Alias is so brave! She can beat up people, and bots too apparently, and she has wings, and she's way better at hacking, and-"

"I said when she was younger. Alias wasn't always a warrior, you know. When we first met, she was just a scared and confused little girl with evil robots trying to kill her." Nickname told me.

"Even that's more interesting than me."

Nickname laughed, "You have plently of mystery surrounding you. Not all organic beings can understand Cybertronian. It took years before Alias finally learned."

I frowned. It was true. I had no idea how I could understand Bumblebee. I just could.

"You're a pretty special kid, Raf. Alias has a hard time trusting people because she's had a hard life. You were the only human she ever warmed up to after Georgia betrayed us." Nickname said.

"Wait. I thought Alias said that the government killed Georgia." I frowned.

"They did. Alias doesn't like to talk about how they tracked us down though. After some time with us, Georgia realized that no one would ever believe that there were giant alien robots. Even with all the evidence she had." He explained.

"So she thought that revealing a secret part of the government would work even better. So she sent them her evidence and their location, promising that if they went to the location she sent them, they would get both a cybertronian and a girl with wings." He said.

"So when they showed up, Georgia was hiding and she took pictures while we fought. During the battle, I grabbed Georgia and we tried to get away, but they followed us. There was a bomb and we crashed. Georgia was killed on impact and Alias and I were injured. We barely escaped with our lives." Nickname finished.

"How long did you guys know Georgia?" I asked.

"Almost two years." Nickname sighed.

"Wow. No wonder Alias doesn't trust anyone." I realized.

"They were best friends. But Georgia valued being famous over us." Nickname said as we pulled into the driveway.

"Raf?" He asked.


"Alias has a hard time showing it sometimes, but she really values your friendship. Please don't hurt her." He told me.

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