Chapter 7: I Trust You

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Alias's POV

I limped quickly for the cover of the nearest tree, but then another portal opened in front of me and I skidded to a stop.

I wrenched my arm back and threw the sword as soon as I saw the first bit of metal, but it was quickly shot away as Optimus Prime stepped through.

I saw the portal close while another opened and Lazerbeak resumed firing, but this time, at Optimus Prime.

I groaned as eleven of the hunters charged through the portal, but then someone stepped forward and tried to smash them with a giant metal ball.


I yelped again as the crash knocked me to my hands and knees. Only three of them were caught in it as the others lunged away, leaving eight.

Bumblebee started shooting at them, but only successfully hit two. That leaves six.

Always keep count. If you don't, you might forget one and then you die. I made that mistake once or twice.

I charged forward, but it probably looked pathetic because it was slow and I had a limp, but whatever.

I stabbed one of them in the head and sliced two more down before they could attack me back. That leaves three.

Two of them jumped at me and I dodged one, but ran right into the arms of another. I saw the red glow again before I felt it and I fell over, writhing.

I heard two shots and the red light faded, leaving me breathless. I looked up just in time to see Optimus bend down and grab the last one before throwing it very, very far.

I breathed out unsteadily and made sure that both of those shots eariler hit one. They did.

I heard the clicking and buzzing again. Lazerbeak swooped by and narrowly avoided Bumblebee's blasts. It ducked down into a small portal.

"Alias. Are you alright?" Optimus asked, kneeling down.

I nodded in exhaustion as he scooped me up and walked over to the others. I gave my legs a rest and collapsed into a sitting position.

"We have Alias, Ratchet. Open a groundbridge." Optimus said.

The portal opened and we walked through, I immediately spotted Nickname as he barreled through Ratchet over to us.

"Alias! Are you okay!?" He asked worriedly.

Optimus pulled his hand containing me back and I was too weak to protest.

Nickname's eyes hardened for a moment before Ratchet stepped around him.

"Ep ep ep, I need to look at her." He explained.

Optimus dropped me gently into the medic's hand and I could barely keep my eyes open at this point.

"Stay awake, Alias." Ratchet told me.

I nodded as he scanned me with a soft blue laser and began to speak. This time I could hear or feel him, but I fought to keep my eyes open as everything started to blur.

"-lias... don't... old ...someone ...nickname ..."

And then my eyelids disobeyed my command.


"Muhahahaha!" The most annoying voice in the world cackled.

I opened my eyes and realized I was laying on a brown couch. My head was facing a T.V. which had a car racing video game on it. Jack, Miko, and Raf were all sitting on the ground in front of me.

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