Chapter 10: My Friend

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Alias's POV

"-to the med bay! Quickly!" Ratchet ordered.

"It's just a cut and Nickname is only unconscious. They'll be okay, Ratchet." Arcee told him.

I frowned, struggling to open my eyes. Nickname was hurt? What happened? I have to help!

"Alias is coming to!" Jack announced.

"Nurse Darby, that's for you!" Ratchet said.

I opened my eyes and saw Jack's mom looking down at me.

"Hey sweetie, I'm Jack's mom." She told me.

I sat up, "Where is Nickname? What happened?"

"Calm down. He's fine. Everyone is fine." She said.

I sighed, "Did you fix me?"

She nodded, "Yes. You-"

Suddenly Optimus's voice broke through the comms, "They have Raf!"

"Raf!?" I panicked, standing up.

Ms. Darby's eyes widened, "He's fine. Don't worry-"

"Who has Raf!?" I demanded, looking around.

I saw Ratchet repairing a cut on Bumblebee's chest  and Nickname was unconscious next to him. Arcee and Bulkhead were running toward an open groundbridge.

An open groundbridge.


She was cutt off again as I took off running across the ground. Jack suddenly tackled me from the side.

"Ratchet!" Ms. Darby called.

I shoved Jack off and opened my wings, soaring through the groundbridge.

I immediately spotted Bulkhead fighting a giant silver robot, Megatron, and Arcee was fighting Soundwave. Optimus was laying on the ground, unconscious.

A small human sat discarded on the ground next to Megatron and Bulkhead. They were going to crush him!

I raced forward and landed next to Raf, who was staring frozen in terror at the giant bots next to us.

"Raf! You have to get out of here!" I exclaimed, grabbing his shoulder and pulling him up.

"You- you're awake!" He exclaimed.

"Come on!" I said, flapping my wings and pulling him into the sky.

He yelped, wrapping his arms around me as we sped toward the portal.

"Who did this to you?" I demanded.

"The cons! I don't know how they found me!" He exclaimed.

We went through the groundbridge and I flew to Nurse Darby, setting Raf down on the couch.

"Oh my god, Raf, are you okay?" She exclaimed, grabbing his face and examining him.

Jack put his hand on my shoulder, "You saved him."

"Yeah, I know. I was there." I replied, turning around and looking at the groundbridge.

"I can't stop you can I?" He asked.


He let go and I took off again, speeding through the portal just as Bulkhead was thrown back by Megatron. He landed roughly next to Optimus.

I raced toward Megatron and activated my sword and armour. He spotted me right before my sword stabbed right into his eye.

"Ahhh!" He yelled, stumbling back.

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