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Nala's words echoed in his head. Why? It was a question he didn't even know the answer to. He wasn't sure why acted so bipolar. It not like he was obviously to his own actions. He thought for a moment thinking over every possible reason he could come up with in his drunken state. He even thought about how he ended up at their apartment. He thought about why he was even there mean he and Jahni were friends but not close enough to actually show up to each other's house like this and Nala well they weren't together. He looked up at her still out of it "I didn't want to get to close to someone who could leave." Just like that the man spilled his guts to Nala who was shocked. Now it was her turn to ponder over what the meant while he continued to puke his guts out. Nala never really thought the rapper had trust and commitment issues. Nala decided not to press further as the rapper finished her and Ricky helped him up.The two of them lead him to the same guest room Ricky had slept in and laid him down. Nala then placed a bottle of water and some Tylenol on the night stand leaving him to sleep off his drunk ness. She went back stairs to her best friend and new found friend on the couch to continue to watch Harry Potter. Soon they passed out on the couch to sleeping away the annoyance they experienced this morning and to only awake later that after noon feeling refreshed and in the same situation.

MGK was still in the apartment and no longer sleep as he came out of the room with an empty water bottle in hand as stumbled down the stairs. He was confused walking down the hall and staircase. The apartment was big but not big enough to be his home. They all locked eyes as he stopped at the bottoms of the stair case. However that didn't really help the confused man that only made him aware of Jahni's viscous glare. "How did I get here?" His voice was groggy and scratchy as usually was when he woke making Nala's hormones jump in to action.

"I'm not sure you just appeared drunk on our door step covered in vomit." Nala answered while Jahni and Ricky decided to excuse themselves to the kitchen.

"What do you mean appeared here?" He plopped him self down on the couch.

"I mean appeared Jahni opened the door and there you were no car or anything." Nala rolled her eyes while she turned to face him her legs crossed. She wasn't sure what to say or what to do. She wasn't prepared to face him so soon especially now he reeked of alcohol.

"I didn't do anything with y'all right?" That comment alone angered her what ever putty she felt had went out the window.

"First I broke up with you and secondly Jahni dating your drummer and last you of your ass drunk covered in vomit why would we stoop so low?" Nala stood up throwing the pillow placed in her lap in the couch "call rook or Pete or who ever to take you but I expect you gone in the next hour" with that Nala stormed out of the room heading right up to her bedroom slamming the door shut. The noise of a door slamming echoed through the house. That made Jahni and Ricky go wide eyed before they both went up to her room. They then peeked their heads in looking at the girl pacing and ranting in a mix of English and Italian.

"Maybe we should try a rage room she never just pace and rants unless she thoroughly pissed" Jahni whispered over Ricky who was watching the same scene.

"Is there a reason you hooked your friend hooked up with that ass hole?" Ricky questioned leaning over in jahni's ear.

Jahni shrugged answering in the most obvious way she could "well you know he's hot and a hot guy plus a hot girl Ricky you do the math"

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