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The rapper was exhausted.
He didn't know how he suddenly regained all of that energy to fuck the girl mercilessly,but when he finished his exhaustion hit him all at once.
He fell on the bed and almost immediately fell asleep.
Nala in the mean while,aching,was lying on the bed staring at the ceiling,her chest rising up and down.
When she recuperated a steady breathing pattern she turned around to see the blonde man snore softly.
He looked so innocent.Like a child.
Only her aches reminded her he was anything but that.
He mumbled something and turned over,his arm over her and pulled her closer to his naked frame.
Nala had no clue on what to do.
She felt bad trying to wake him up.
She weighed her options and decided to just lay there and wait till he got his arm off of her.
Thing is,she slept too.
And when she woke up,she woke up to big blue eyes very close to her face,studying her,both in a tight embrace.
When the owner of those blue eyes realized that she was awake,he got up and turned around to the night stand and pulled out a piece of paper.
"You're hired."


"I knew it!!!" Jahni cheered,fist pumping the air an hour later back in their apartment.
Nala had told her best friend the entire story and relunctantly gave out the details once the two were back home and dressed in fluffy one-zs .
"What made him decide it was me?"Nala asked.
Jahni looked at her friend straight in the eye and erupted in a fit of giggles.
"JP told me it was because you look cute when you sleep and you're a good cuddle."
Nala widened her eyes in a WTF expression while Jahni rolled around in laughter.
"And because he said the moment you stepped in,he knew."
Nala sighed.
I'm cute?!?
"Did he mention anything about my...you know..."
"Sex talents?He said you make the best sounds in bed."
Nala decided this was the moment to throw a pillow at her friend and pretend it was a sack of flour at MGK's face.

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