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Jahni smiled evily knowing which club they were going to now all she had to do was get a guy on Nala and out of her more modest clothing and in to her closet. She went to the kitchen getting Nala much to her protest about her Trix getting soggy and sat down in a chair grabbing a flat iron and wash out blue dye. She took her time straightening her friends llong curl hair before adding the dye. She plugged the ear phones into her phone calling up her nail artist telling her to get to her house as fast as she can. Then she drug Nala to her room tearing it apart to find the perfect out fit to make Nala irresistible but some thing she can get the modest girl in. Thoug Jahni knew that Nala was to modest for her own good. See the pair had similar height and similar body type Jahni be a size bigger maybe. She smiled pulling out a pair of short shorts, crop top and cardigan to rest Nala's heart. She tossed it to her and go the perfect pair of shoes and a purse.

"Put that on and meet down stairs, we're party crashing tonight and yes it has to be so revealing but I gave you a long cardigan so the back is completely covered

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"Put that on and meet down stairs, we're party crashing tonight and yes it has to be so revealing but I gave you a long cardigan so the back is completely covered." Jahni smiled taking her own out fit changing the hall not caring.

She then went to let in the nail technician who set up at the coffee table as Nala came out and sat down as Jahni stood at mirror fixing her hair

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She then went to let in the nail technician who set up at the coffee table as Nala came out and sat down as Jahni stood at mirror fixing her hair. Nala eye continously rolled why couldn't her best friend just let her sulk but at the same time Jahni had a vindictive attitude towards things that hurt people around her. The door bell rung for the second time causing Nala to make her head snap toward it. Jahni squealed opening the door causing Nala to raise an eye brow as Ricky walk through the door hugging her. See Jahni was a fairly good booking and tour manager. She booked and tour with many bands and call in ricky horror for a favor if he was in the area which he was.

"Nala meet your fake date of the night Ricky Horror"

He smiled and wave at while the nail technician finished up calling for Jahni so she can go next. The three all conversed about the plan Nala new absolutely nothing about. In three hours time they were going inside after of course bribing the bouncer. The sounds of Cardi B bumping through the speakers while Ricky made him self scarce. Jahni made their way to the bar just sitting the while Jahni wasted no time on ordering a whiskey on the rocks they stood up going to the VIP section that Ricky was in. Jahni smirked taking off her jacket making her way past MGK's table to Ricky's. Nala's cardigan blew as she walked by giving a while new component to her outfit. MGK was quick to make Rookxx to look with a roll of his eyes he did and instantly noticed Jahni even if MGK didn't. Rookxx smiked whistling at the pair giving Jahni a phantom smirk knowing she got their attention. They all sat down with Ricky feeling the other table's eyes lingering on them. Pretty soon the pair all stood up heading back to the bar. Ricky's arms around Nala's waste when Rookxx called out for Jahni who stopped in her and walked over to him with the other's following behind her. MGK got a good look at the girl while jahni flirted with Rookxx. The new girl rolled her eyes being a petite girl.

"Um hello your here with me stop undressing her in you mind" she said loudly from his lap.

"Kelly do a better job at keeping that bitch quite she sounds like a fucking chihuahua" Jahni said in annoyance.

Nala just smirked this girl she felt threatened. Her and Ricky made a sharp turn making her hair filp as they walked. The rest of the night her and Ricky danced the night away while Jahni stayed with Rookxx just to annoy that new chick.

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