Set In Stone

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Warning: violence

Katherine waited for Theo Broussard. She could see him walking down toward her; he had a single suitcase rolling behind him. Seeing him, Katherine stood up and made her way toward him.

"Hello, are you Dr. Broussard?" she asked in German. He looked up from his phone and nodded.

Giving a warm smile, he said, "Yes, I am." This was easy, thought Katherine. It was not hard to track Broussard down. Or to stop him and talk. He was falling into her trap.

"Great! My name is Emma. I will be taking you to your hotel." said Katherine extending her arm. Broussard shook her hand and exclaimed how it was nice to meet her. He started to walk forward. Stopping him, Katherine added, "Here, let me take this." Referencing the bag he had with him. Letting her take it, he followed her out of the airport.

Making it out of the airport, Katherine guided Broussard to her car. Since he made it this far with her, all she had left was for him to get in the car. Then, it would be smooth sailing from there. Reaching the car, she opened the door to the back seats. Thanking her, he got in.

Katherine shut the door once he got in fully. A smirk formed on her face from how easy this was. Going to the trunk, she opened it and shoved his bag into the back. He won't be needing this, she thought to herself. Sick humor it was.

She got into the driver's seat and started the car. "You have the address to the hotel?" asked Broussard.

Katherine turned around to face him. Giving him a friendly smile, she said, "Yes, I do!" He simply nodded at her response. Broussard had trusted her and believed she was going to drive him to his hotel.

Reaching Katherine's hotel, Broussard grew weary of their destination. Firstly, she parked in the back of the hotel rather than the front. Katherine slowly put her hand on her gun that was wedged between the seat and kept the doors locked.

"Are you sure you had the right address?" asked Broussard.

Hearing his words, Katherine pulled out her handgun and pointed it at him. His hands went up immediately at sight. Seeing the gun being pointed at him made his breath hitch.

"Please...I'll-I'll do anything you ask-" he said with a shaky breath.

"Good," said Katherine. She was surprised by how easy he was cooperating. Honestly, she expected him to fight back a bit. "You are going to walk with me." she added.

Slowly, Broussard got out of the car. Getting out of the car, she opened the back door to which he sat at. Opening the door, she aimed the gun at him. His hands still remained up. Gripping his side, Katherine placed the gun on his back to remind him at any moment, she could kill him.

They walked to the back door entrance of the hotel. Swiping her card, Katherine unlocked the door. She gestured for Broussard to go first, to which he complied. Continuing to walk to the room, Broussard feared more and more for his life.

There he was with this woman that was threatening him. Was it for money? No, it couldn't be, he thought. If she wanted money, he was sure she would have taken it by now.

Reaching the door of the room, Katherine swiped her card and opened the door. Shoving Broussard in, he fell to the floor. Trying to crawl away, he begged, "Please, don't kill me." It was pathetic seeing him beg for his life. Katherine cringed at his words. "I won't say anything..." he added.

Katherine closed the door and locked it. Turning around, she grew tired of his words, of his begging. "Shut up!" she said. Walking toward him, she hit him with her gun. Knocking him out in the process.

Putting the gun down on a table, she grabbed his feet and dragged his body. He was a lot heavier than she anticipated. She dragged his body to the bathroom. Once she reached close enough to the tub, she let his body drop.

It took her a second to catch her breath. Reaching back down, she lifted him by his arms and got half of his body in the tub. Why is he so heavy, she thought? Going to his legs, she placed the rest of his body in the tub.

There Broussard laid, unconscious, and about to die. Katherine looked down at him. No emotion showed on her face. Something about her was different at this moment. It was as if she was ready to kill him. She had no connection to him. Maybe that was why it was not fazing her.

Walking out of the bathroom, she went to her gun. Picking it up, she then went to her bag filled with ammo, knives, and other guns. Reaching for the silencer, she twisted it on. She could not risk any noise to be heard.

Katherine looked at the gun for a second. She questioned herself. Is this the path she wants to be on? Did she want to become a killer?

For some odd reason, she felt she had to do it. If she could kill Broussard, then she could prove to herself that nothing stood in her way. Not even Bucky. Then, she could push her feelings deep down forever.

She walked back into the bathroom; Broussard was still unconscious. Noticing his glasses, she took them off. It would probably come in handy. Pointing the gun at his head, she aimed. There was no going back. If she took the shot, her path was set.



Katherine took the shot. She shot Broussard twice, once in the head, then in the chest. At least he was asleep, she thought. Looking at the blood spilling out of his wounds, Katherine just stood there.

This is what it felt like to kill someone. To be in control of their life. It took only a second for their life to stop. In that second, Katherine's life changed forever.

Snapping out of her daze, she reached up to the curtain and closed it. Walking out of the bathroom, she placed the gun on the table. Then, she sat on the floor and waited. She waited for her father to tell her it was going to be okay.


"Longing, rusted, seventeen..." said Zemo in Russian. He was practicing the activation words for the Winter Soldier. Katherine waited near him. Soon they would head to the Joint Counter Terrorist Centre Building.

Zemo brought the bomb created to wipe the electric grid in Berlin. That's when he would activate the Winter Solider. All they needed left was the location of the other Winter Soldiers.

"Daybreak, furnace, nine..."

Katherine was going to disguise herself as an agent. Both her and Zemo would infiltrate the building. She had not spoken much when Zemo arrived. All her thoughts were focused on the dead man in the bathroom and on Bucky.

"Benign, homecoming..."

But, she thought of Carl. Her sweet little brother was too pure for this world. She missed him so much. He had not lived his life at all; he was only 10. A 10-year-old did not deserve to die at the hands of something created by the Avengers.

Now Katherine would never be able to see him graduate school, go to university, or experience life. She remembered him telling her he wanted to be a doctor. All he wanted was to help people.


Zemo promised Katherine that the Avengers would burn down for what they did. He never lost sight of that goal. Everything he has done was for her, for his family. It was now his life mission to end them. Until the Avengers fell, Zemo would not rest.

Katherine made a promise to Zemo that she would see the Avengers destroyed. All she has done was for that purpose. To avenge her mother's and brothers' death. With all she has learned, she realized putting people like the Avengers on pedestals was a dangerous thing. It allowed them to leave destruction in the name of a symbol.

"Freight car."

They were ready. Zemo and Katherine were going to take down the Avengers.

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