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"The task force called for a psychiatrist as soon as Barnes was captured. The UN dispatched Doctor Theo Broussard from Geneva." said Friday.

Tony was currently looking at images provided by Friday. Broussard had been killed in Berlin and was found only a few hours ago. His body was in a hotel. When Tony was notified, he knew then that there was something bigger happening. He had to find Steve as soon as possible. Now he was on his way to the Raft. If anyone knew where Steve was heading, it would be Sam.

"He was met by this woman." said Friday. She was showing the security footage of Broussard going near a car with a woman. Tony could see her guiding him to the backseat and putting his luggage in the trunk. It seemed like she was just a shofar.

"Did you run facial recognition yet?" he asked. After he said that, the image of the woman's face was zoomed in. Tony had never seen her before, but there was a slight resemblance to her. He just could not figure out what.

Friday was pulling up the information on the woman and said, "What do I look like?" She pulled up all the information she could find. A new image popped on the screen. It was a graduation photo.

"The woman here is Katherine Zemo, born in Novi Grad, Sokovia. She was an attendant to a university in Berlin, Germany. Current records show that she dropped out about a year ago." said Friday.

Tony now knew who met Broussard. However, they needed to figure out then who the fake doctor was. It was clear Katherine was working with someone. "Do we know who the fake doctor was?" asked Tony.

Pulling up the images of the fake doctor from surveillance. Friday showed the true identity of the impersonator of Broussard. "The fake doctor is actually Colonel Helmut Zemo. The father of Katherine Zemo." Tony now says the military photo of Zemo. His breath became shaky; he was becoming stressed. "Sokovia Intelligence." added Friday.

Putting the image in front of him, Tony saw everything. There was the fake doctor hold a gun in a military uniform. Next to another person dressed the exact same. It made sense now. Katherine and Zemo were working together for revenge, perhaps on Sokovia.

Friday continued on telling Tony on Zemo's background, "Zemo ran Echo Scorpion a Sokovian covert kill squad." More images were being shown of Zemo's time in the military. There was the Sokovian base, missions, and other personnel.

"What happened to the real Broussard?" asked Tony.

Images of Broussard's body were put onto the screen. Tony could see a headshot wound on his forehead. "He was found dead in a Berlin hotel room." said Friday. One of the Zemo's had killed him. For what though? To have ten minutes with Barnes? "Were police found a wig and facial prosthesis approximating the appearance of one James Buchanan Barnes."

James's face was now on the screen; it was the photo that had been taken when he "set" the bomb off. It was a setup; everything was set up. Two people had managed to set up an ex-assassin and infiltrate the building where he was kept. This was in the making; this was not an overnight thought. They had put time and effort into it. Tony knew they were not done yet.

"Son of a bitch" he said. Looking down, Tony saw the images of both Zemo and Katherine. Steve was right, and he was alone. He had to find out where he went. "Get this to Ross." he added.

"Yes, boss."


It had been silent between both Bucky and Steve. The majority of the plane ride was quiet. Neither of them spoke. Steve did not know what Bucky had remembered. Bucky just did not know what to talk about. Neither really knew what to say.

However, Steve decided to break the silence, "What were you doing for those two years?" This was the question that had been running through Steve's mind. He wanted to know what Bucky had been doing. If he ever thought of him or if he had started a new life.

For Bucky, he knew Steve would eventually ask. "Well, for a while I was hiding and trying to remember myself. Then..." He did not know if he should mention Katherine. It was such an intimate detail of his life. Plus, he probably would never see her again. For all he knew, he never came to her apartment. She probably thought he left without her.

"Then, what?" asked Steve. He knew Bucky was holding back, and he did not want him to feel like he could not tell him things.

"Then, I met someone..." he said hesitantly. It felt weird saying those words out loud. Anything Katherine and him had was between them; no one else knew. Bucky did not want Steve to think negatively about him.

Steve was shocked. Bucky had managed to meet someone while in Romania. He fell in love...thought Steve. The way Bucky had said it told Steve all. The person he had met meant something special.

"Tell me about them," said Steve. His voice was happy and excited. He was really genuine in knowing about this person Bucky had met. Steve wanted to know everything.

Hearing Steve's response, Bucky smiled. Steve actually wanted to know about them. This made him feel like he was not broken. He was able to love and be loved, even with his history. "Her name is Katherine. And I met her at this fruit stand she worked at."

"A fruit stand?" said Steve. If anyone could pick up a girl anywhere, it was Bucky. That was something Steve was always envious of was Bucky's flirting ability. He always strived to be that confident.

"Yeah, a fruit stand. I went to buy fruit one day and from the start she was nice to me and seemed genuine. Ever since that day I found myself going back." said Bucky with a bight smile. Talking about Katherine made him realize how much he missed her. He would do anything to be with her. Bucky just wishes she does not hate him.

"Then, one day I asked her out on a date and she said yes. We then started seeing each other more and more. She was really amazing..."

Steve noticed his tone drop a bit. Bucky probably fears what she thinks of him, considering his view in public at the moment. But, he could tell she was special. Hearing about him and Katherine made him wonder about his arm and his history. What exactly did he tell her?

"How did you explain" he said, motioning to his arm. Bucky knew what he was asking. He wanted to know if he ever told Katherine about his arm and what he said about it.

Images of that night popped into Bucky's head. Seeing how Katherine was not scared but more intrigued. When he asked her if she was afraid, she said, "I could never be afraid of you." At that moment, he knew he loved her.

"I...I just showed her. She wasn't scared of it at all. I think she was more worried about me than anything. But, she accepted me for who I am," said Bucky.

Steve gave Bucky a smile. He was honestly surprised that she would be so okay with his arm and maybe his past. If anything, Steve was surprised Bucky had let someone in. "Did you tell her about Hydra?"

"No," said Bucky immediately. He probably would never tell her. That was something he has not even come to terms with yet. "I told Katherine I was in the military, and that I had just gotten out. Looking for a fresh start."

The next question Steve had was the most important one of all.

"Do you love her?"

Bucky thought of their time together; it was everything. They had spent five months being with one another. He only wishes he had more time. All he wanted was to spend his life with Katherine.

"Yes...I do love her." he said softly. "Katherine loved me for who I was, she showed me that I could love and that I was worth loving."

Those words broke Steve's heart. He never wanted Bucky to think he was not worth it. But, he figured Katherine could give him what he could never love. Yes, Steve loved Bucky, but he did not love Bucky in the way he wanted. Steve was happy that he found someone that loved him for who he was.

"I'm happy for you Buck. I really am." said Steve. Every word he meant. Maybe once this was over, Bucky would find his way back to her. First, they had to deal with whoever framed Bucky. And they needed to find out why.

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