Chapter 5

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Yeonjun's POV

I hate to admit that this is a feeling of jealousy. I tried to hide it, I distanced myself even if he asked me to join him in the taxi. I was feeling uneasy, which made it more bothersome when Taehyun noticed every reaction I had. From the moment Taehyun grabbed Beomgyu's waist, the way he invited Taehyun to join him in the taxi, it bothers me. The fact that today we decided which room Beomgyu should stay in, I wanted to be closer to him but I can't say a word. I don't know who to talk about it, Taehyun noticed and I think he's smart for his age. For sure he'll understand.

"What is it about?"

"I-I don't know."

"Taehyun, I think I'm crazy. I think I messed up."

"What? What did you do?"

"Nothing- I just.."


"Just bothered by what happened a while ago, I saw you grab Beomgyu's waist and I was pissed. I felt awkward after that and I think I'm messing up our relationship if this is even true."

"Hyung, I know men can fall in love for 3 seconds, but I think you should take what you're feeling slow. Know him more, maybe you might not like him then or maybe you just want him to be your little brother. It's okay to feel a little bit possessive since you met him first and I don't know maybe you have this connection that you feel only both of you have."

"What should I do? Beomgyu and I will be pairing for the monthly evaluation, I literally will blush when he's around."

"Gosh hyung, you flirt all the time, you can't just give up to that because of a newbie. You survived Soobin-hyung charms!"

"Soobin-ah is different, he's like my soul mate. I can literally cling to him without being awkward at all, he's just a giant baby.

"Maybe, Beomgyu-hyung could be a giant baby too remember he's 179cm tall too."

"Yeah right, thank you Taehyun-ah. I'm sorry about a while ago, I didn't mean to glare at you."

"It's alright hyung, Beomgyu-hyung is pretty interesting but I don't feel anything romantically. What I did a while ago is just my protective instinct."

Hmm protective instinct? Maybe I'm also the same with Beomgyu, maybe I'm just protective of him.

"Yeonjun-hyunggg! We are hungry" Soobin and Kai shouted.

"We should probably head out hyung"

Taehyun and I headed out the room to be greeted by whining children.

"What are you guys talking about? Are you seriously keeping it a secret from us?" Soobin exclaimed.

"It's nothing hyung, we just talked about how we should manage our practices for monthly evaluations," Taehyun replied.

"Why didn't you asked Beomgyu-hyung to your little meeting?" Kai asked Yeonjun suspiciously.

"Well, performances are done separately, I'll talk to Beomgyu after we eat our dinner. Speaking of dinner, what do you guys like?"

"I want to eat pizza and chicken!" Taehyun suggested.

"How about you Beomgyu?"

"Anything is fine, no tomAto please."

"Okay cool pizza and chicken night. Anyone want any dessert?"

"I want a mint chocolate ice cream hyung!" Kai said.

"Me too yay!" I said.

"Yuckkk, are you guys okay?" Beomgyu asked in disgust.

Okay that was a harsh reaction, maybe I like less of him now. I really hope so. This is hard.

We finished our dinner and everyone decided on the order to wash up

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We finished our dinner and everyone decided on the order to wash up. We played rock, paper, scissors to determine who's going first. I was the first one, next was Beomgyu, Taehyun, Huening Kai, and lastly Soobin.

I told Beomgyu that I'm going to talk to him after he washed up. I went to the shower and headed back to my room. Taehyung and I didn't really talk about our monthly tasks, so I'm literally rushing all the plans before he finished his shower. First, I should list all the things we need to do and then we set the schedule.

Since Taehyun knows what to do already, I think I'll meet him less than Beomgyu. So 5 days in a week I'll give 3 days to Beomgyu and the other to Taehyun. I think he won't mind, we've been doing this for several months individually.

I started making a list from choosing the music to the concept, and stuff when I heard knocks on my door.

"Hyung, this is Beomgyu."

"Come in."

He was wearing gray sweatpants and a hoodie, he had his towel around his neck and water was dripping down his hair. He's just standing there, not sure what to do.

"You can sit here" I pat the other seat beside me. It was kind of low, I had this before just to let my friends sit on them. It makes me taller than them while sitting. He looked at me like I was joking but then he sat beside me.

I'm so distracted by his wet hair.

"Why not blow dry your hair first?"

"I don't want to keep you so late hyung, maybe this is pretty late for you"

I rolled my eyes at his concern so I got his towel and started drying his hair aggressively.

"Yah, hyung you're at it again! I'll do it" He grabbed his towel and our hands touched, my hands were still in his head when he grabbed my hand together with the towel to dry his hair. I took my hands from his head and I looked away.

"Hyung, were you okay a while ago? I glanced back at him again and then his eyes met mine.

He has really pretty eyes, his eyelashes are long. It's not small nor too big, it's just alright. I snapped back from reality when he started counting 2, 3, 4.

"Hyung, are we going to have a staring contest?" with that I blinked twice.

'I'm sorry"

"Yah, hyung I'm kidding, so what's the plan?"

"I scheduled days for us to practice, I allocated time for us to pick a song. So I researched it. For choreography...I guessed we should do it once we pick the song."

"I'm sorry hyung, it must be hard to be paired with me and Taehyun at the same time."

"It's fine, I want to know you more."


Shit did I just say it out loud? Seriously Yeonjun, you're really not that obvious.

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