Chapter 23

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Yeonjun POV

After what happened, Beomgyu and I received a lot of hate. But then I saw several posts and comments and the hate is mostly towards him. If I have time I try to report it but then it never stops even for 2 months now. I told the company that they should talk to the legal team about this, they said that they got it under control. But then it seems to be slow-paced because they are busy preparing for their concert.

That day when Beomgyu said he was not okay, my heart ached so much that I sometimes blame myself for not protecting him. I know that Beomgyu was hiding something from me, I don't want to force him, I always assure him but something is still bothering me. I ignored the hate towards me, I focused on the career that was ahead of me. I know that we didn't do anything wrong, I'm performing for the people who love me. I also received comments and calls but I decided to change my number. I told Beomgyu that he should also change his but he said it's such a hassle.

I went to the lounge and Taehyun approached me.



"You know that Beomgyu spends a lot of time on the rooftop after practice right?"

"No. What is he doing?" I said with a worried and confused tone.

"I don't know, we should watch over him. He might smile in front of us but something is off."

"He said he was not okay. He refused to tell me why."

"He said he was fine, I thought he just needed time for himself."

"Was he fine when I'm not around?"

"Well, he usually tells us he's tired, he always sleeps."

"I wish I can stay with him all the time"

I went to Beomgyu's studio and I saw him sleeping, his arms folded on the table with his head on top of his arms. I caressed his hair and fixed his bangs that were touching his eyes. His eye bags are visible and he seems to be really tired.

I heard his phone vibrate and I saw it was an anonymous caller. I thought it could be an important call so I got his phone and went outside. I answered the call and the caller said.

Trigger warning: homophobic slur, a death threat.

"Are you still alive faggot? You're useless, no one loves you. You ruined TXT! Your seniors must be upset with you."

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?" I shouted.

"Oh, another faggot? You're lucky that a lot of people like you but you're also good for nothing."

"I'm gonna find you and I'm gonna fucking kill you," I said.

I was so mad that I didn't know that I raised my voice. Beomgyu then went outside and grabbed his phone from me and ended the call immediately.

"Hyung, why do you have my phone?"

"What was that Choi Beomgyu?!"

"I--hyung please calm down."

"How the fuck do I calm down, when you've told something like this."

"I blocked their numbers but I don't know why they still found me."

"Change your phone number NOW!" I know I wasn't supposed to be mad at Beomgyu, he's the victim here but I can't imagine those words getting inside his head.

I was so mad that I walked away in front of him before I lashed out. I called Soobin and told him to meet me in our usual ice cream parlor.

"What happened?"

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