Chapter 1: Who?

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He stood,ready to fight his attacker.

"You took everything from me. My family,my life. What do u want?" He yelled, blood on his lip making it hard to talk.

" I want to be known young man. I want people to see me as a terror,to let me be king ," he looked down at the man before him. " I am Striker," he said with a loud voice.

"Who?" The young man spoke,scared and confused with the name.then just as he had said that,he had a hard time breathing,and blacked out.


"Yes,sir," said a blonde haired girl,out of the shadows.

"Put him with his family. They will be happy to see each other for now," he told her. He hasn't killed the young mans family,for he knew this man was worthy.

"Yes,sir. Would u like him in chains or no?"

"Those will not be necessary, Emma. He has done nothing wrong," he told her.

And with that she dragged him to the chambers where his family was. Striker wanted to make a statement,death was not it. At least for the time being.

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