Chapter 7: The Shadow Appears

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Garfield POV:


The person just looked at me. It did look like Raven. Only slightly older,but I mean come on. Last I saw her was five years ago.

She phased through the floor. I had her scent and went to go look for her.

I lost her once,I won't let it happen again. I followed her scent to her old room and then mine.

Then the trail stopped. I morphed into a little green spider and crawled under the door.

And that's when I saw her glancing around in my room,like it was comforting her. I heard sobs and looked at her eyes. They where pink with tears down her cheeks. Something happened in her room I'm guessing.

She never came to my room. Never ever, unless she was going to throw me out the window like she used to.

She looked like she could barely stand. I shifted back,and stood in front of the door.

"Rae,please don't cry.," I said as I placed a gentile palm on her arm. She winced,like she hated to be touched. I knew right then that something was wrong.

Back then Raven don't like to be touched, but whenever we did touch she would calm down after a while.

Here it looked like something major happened. I moved to touch her arm again and try to comfort her. She fell against my chest and started to sob some more. I gave her a hug,telling her that I was here and that everything would be all right.

Or at least I hope it would be all right.

Hello readers,
I am sorry it is so short. The next chaper will be longer,promise. Also I am on spring break, so I may be able to update more than I frequently do.

Comment and vote. And if you have questions don't be afraid to ask.

Love y'all


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