Chapter 23: I wish

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Striker POV:
I stared at the screen blankly. I had seen the way she took down the man with the hat. The way she walked over to him and placed her hand on his head.

How she was there when he was hurt. He really tricked her into loving him. But this villian they where after and some others may help me.

"Emma," I called. I heard her moving from the room upstairs. It was Logans room. I knew she was helping him. He was in his teething stage, so she had to give him a bit more attention then usual. Which I understand, my mother was like that when I was little.

I gave her some extra time to get here.For she is a mother and needs sone time for things,which i totally understand.

She came rushing through the door and shut it. Then she moved quickly over to me and stood in the proper position.

"You called sir" she asked.

"Yes I did. How long till we are ready to face them once more, with our new plan?" I asked.

"Sir, you are still weak from when they took your bride. And it should at the very maximum be ready by next week," she said.

"Very well then. You may leave,Emma," as I said it she raced out the door.

Poor Logan. I remember hearing stories from when I teethed. They where not good.

Anyway, I turned toward the monitor. They where all gone. Probably left to take care of the green one.

I then used some hacking skills and looked up some villains that all of them have defeated in the past.

I looked at the screen. Some of these people where horrible, others where exceptional and possibly useful.

I zeroed in on 3 people. Cinder block, they defeted him several times before the disband. Poison Ivy,fought against Nightwing several times back in Gothem. She eventually came to jump city to find new work and plants.and Dr. Light,almost blinded Beast Boy several years ago.

I found my team.Plus with Emma,nothing could go completely wrong.
Sorry for the short chapter. But I have decided to do a sequel. There will only be a few more chapters then I will update the sequel asap.

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