Chapter 21: The Arms of the Angel Part 1

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Cyborg POV:
She really was back. Our Raven was back. I walked up to her and gave her a hug. She gave it back.

I walked up to Mumbo and handcuffed him. He was going back to prison and staying there for as long as it takes for him to break out. Cause I mean come on, no villain stays in jail that long.

As soon as Mumbo was in custody, Raven walked over to where Beast Boy was laying. She looked down on him as did the rest of us.

He was lying on his stomach with his face turned to the right. There was a bit of blood coming from either his mouth or his nose. Or worse his head.

Raven knelt down and placed her hand on his head. She petted his head. I looked at him, he was still breathing and moving a bit.

But he was a bit fragile since he was still unconscious.I looked at Dick and Star. They looked at me and knew that I needed to take him back and fix him up.

Star moved forward and helped Raven up and pulled her back. Nightwing walked up with me and we picked him up.

Raven wanted to move forward and hold his head. But Star held her back.

Dick POV:
We carried BB back to the tower. Star brought Raven to the kitchen while we placed BB on the couch since the medical wing wasn't back to the way it used to be.

We still had the medical equipment though. So placing him on the couch wasn't as bad.

Cyborg hooked up some IV and made sure he was stable.

Raven then walked over with her cloak and placed it over him. She cleaned up the blood by his mouth and nose. She then gave us a smile and went to go make some tea.

When he was stable we all went to do our own thing. Raven kept watch for some time until I told her to go and freshen up.

Raven POV:
After Nightwing took over duty watching Gar, I left to go take a shower.

I stripped off everything and went under the warm water. It felt good. I haven't had a shower in quite a while. I relaxed as the water then eventually turned cold.

Once it turned cold, I shampooed and cleaned my self with soap. I got out and wrapped a towel around my body. I walked to my closet.

I needed a new wardrobe that wasnt so dark. I would keep some stuff of course. But maybe a couple colors in my closet would help me a little.

I looked around and found Beast Boy's orange sweatshirt. I then found some black spandex shorts and slipped them both on. I then tied my hair in a messy bun and went to my bookshelf.

After I picked out a book I started to walk back to the common room, then I heard a shriek.
Hi readers,
Sorry for the delayed updates but there will be more this week.

Hope you like this book. Sorry for the cliff hanger.

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