Chapter 24: The Pain Part 1

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Garfield POV:
For the next week Rae had been helping me to heal. I had a couple nose bleeds but they weren't serious.

She took care of me,like a wife would to a hurt husband,or a mother to her child. She took care of me.

I could go into the field when I am completely healed.She was there for me when I needed her.

I stood up from the couch and walked over to the kitchen where Rae was making bacon for her and tofu for me. I wrapped my arms around her waist and put my head on her shoulder. She glanced over my way and placed a sweet kiss on my cheek. When she finished the meal, I dug in and ate what I could.

Cyborg came in and looked at me. I looked up and smiled,Raven smiled and looked at Cyborg,but she must have noticed something cause that smile was gone and a look of panic covered both of their faces.

"Where?"She asked. Cyborg lead her to his computer on his forearm. She breathed in and covered her mouth with her hand. She then ran out of the room."Cy,whats going on?"I asked hoping to get a answer.

"Striker is back. And he has gotten worse than the last time we saw him,"He then ran out to his room to get ready for battle.

I took off running and got my suit. It took a few seconds to get ready,but I ran to Ravens room to find her getting dressed in her newish outfit. She had a dress looking thing instead of her old leotard. But she still had her cloak.

"Your not going,Garfield,"She said while strapping on her cloak and placing the hood over her head.

"Are you going to stop me?"I asked her. She turned towards me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Please. Its just between me and him. I cant have you hurt again,"She said. I pulled her into my embrace. She hugged me back.

"I am hurt that you would be going back into battle with him. What if he takes you again and i wont be there to save you again?"I asked. She giggled and placed a small kiss on my cheek. She started walking out towards the door and looked back at me.

"You coming?"she asked. I ran towards her and walked her out.

Ravens POV:

We arrived at the scene where the video was shot. I needed to find him fast. He had a Family hostage. And he will kill them if he doesnt get his hands on me and if i dont turn myself in.

I looked around the area,thank azarath there was no bodys. Only a couple people where injured. So it was bad.

I looked around at the rocks from the building that he blew up.

" Star and Raven, take to the roof. See if there is anything we may have missed, " Nightwing ordered.

Star and I took to the sky's and landed on the roof,which was worse than the ground. It was completely black and rocks were everywhere.

I heard a boom right as we landed. I looked down and there was nothing. The ground was cleared. The building was unstable.

But before I could levitate the building collapsed and i went down with it.

"Raven!" Star screamed. She dived and tried to save me but it was too late.

I was buried under rubble. I started to cough and my vision got a bit fuzzy.

"Garfield," I whispered before I passed out and everything went dark.

So three more chapters of this book. Then I will do the sequel.

Hope you all love it.

Love y'all


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