Chapter 22: The Arms of the Angel Part 2

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Garfield POV:
I lay there staring into nothing hearing that mans voice. Striker I think his name is.

I kept hearing him say that Raven was his and that he would do anything to have her to himself.

I looked further and I saw Mumbo by a chair with someone in it. Striker walk towards them.

"Poor,poor girl. She is lost without you,sir," Mumbo said to Striker.

"Indeed she is," he said giving me a look.

Before I knew it I was strapped to a chair. And before me was Raven. She was the person in the chair.

She tried to get free but couldn't budge. I looked over at Striker, his eyes piercing my soul.

He grabbed her head and pulled it close to him. He then smashed his lips onto hers.

When she broke it, she looked at me kinda funny.

"Who is that,Striker dear?" She asked him.

"Oh no one, my love," he said.

They then walked out hand in hand. I then screamed, for i had lost her. The love of my life.

I woke up, still screaming, only to find that i wasn't in that room. I was home.

But where was Raven? I started to panic. Cyborg came in,along with Star and Dick. I tried to get up and go find Raven. But theyvall held me down.

I struggled to get up. Where was she? I wanted to shift into an animal to get them all off of me so I could go look for her.

But i was sore. I heard the door to the common room open. I looked up to see Raven in my sweatshirt and a pair of spandex along with her hair tied up in a messy bun.

I calmed down,but not by much.
I kept struggling, trying to get to her,but they wouldnt get off of me.

She saw me struggling and rushed over to the side of the couch. Everyone got off of me, and she sat next to me.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close. My head resting on her chest, she placed her arms around my neck and held my head.

I started to cry a little, but I calmed down. I breathed slowly and evenly. I looked up at her with my watery eyes. She looked down at me and gave me a smile. She then placed a small kiss on my forhead, making me relax and calm down even more.

I suddenly felt tired. Rae shifted so I could fall asleep on her lap. She placed my head on her legs and gave me another kiss on the temple.

I smiled and fell asleep much more calm then when I had woken up.

Raven POV:
I looked down at him from my book. He was still asleep. I wanted to go make some tea, but whenever I move he cringes like he is having a bad dream.

He relaxed after Cyborg gave him a seditive to have him fall asleep. After I placed him on my lap, he was calm and relaxed. He had been asleep for 6 hours.

Every now and again, his nose started to bleed. It didnt last long, but I helped clean it up.

Just as I had finished my book, he flipped so his back was on the cushions.

He looked up at me. Gar looked better than when he had woken up at first.

"Hey sleepy," I said, placing my book on the coffee table. "How you feeling?" I asked.

"Better," he said, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He then nuzzled his head by my stomach. I smiled and ruffled his hair. Although he was green. He was different, unique, special. A little like me.

"How long have I been asleep?" He asked trying to get up, but fell back down when he realized that he was too sore to move.

"6 hours, sweetie. Can you move your head. I really need to go," I asked.

He gave me a look like I was going to leave him again. He nodded his head.

Garfield POV:
I got nervous when she asked that. Last time she got taken away from me.

"Relax, Gar. Im prepared this time," she said as she walked out. I started to sit up slowly. The doors opened and Cyborg came flying through and out the window he went.

She then came out. "Told you I was prepared," she said smiling and sitting down with a cup of tea. I rested my head on her lap again and we spent the rest of the afternoon together and fell asleep right there on the couch.

But before I dozed off she whispered, " I love you, Garfield "

I smiled and fell back asleep.
Hi readers,

Love the book so far. I hope so. So i was thinking about maybe doing a sequel to this book when i am done with it.

I wanted to see what u guys think about it. Different story plot and interesting villains.

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Love y'all


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