Chapter 4: A New Heir

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He stood,eyes looking out to the world before him.

"Master Striker?"

It was Emma,she sounded concerned and in pain.

"Emma,what is it? What is wrong? Why do you wish to interrupt the view with whatever has happened?" Striker said. He tried to make it sound as if he didn't care,but he couldn't hide it very well.

"I believe I have found her, sire. The one you choose to marry and for her to have your heir," she spoke.

Striker moved till he was in front of Emma. She curtsied, and stood to show him a map. She layed it on the table.

" There has been some strange activity in certain parts of Africa. Mainly in the parts that are secluded from booming cities. She could be down within the jungles. Or it could be another superhero or villian," she said gasping for breath.

"Send the robots to inspect. If they find evidence of her,let me know right away,Emma..."


"What is it, Emma? What is it that you so wish to say?"

" What do we do if she isn't there? If a superhero is than should we take them as prisoner? "

"No. Let them be. I am not ready to go public until I have her here. If they realize that a hero is missing, they will find them here no doubt and our plans will be ruined. Do I make myself clear?" He asked.

"Crystal,sire," Emma said her heart in her throat.

"Send them at once,Emma," he stated.

And with that she left to the control room.

Striker had a lot of robots made like army men. To look like they where working for him.

Emma pressed a button,and a computer came up. She typed the robots mission,making sure that they only look for her.

She than typed the coordinates of the area that they are to inspect. They took off and she made sure they did as their program told them to do.


Striker stood once more,looking at his robots taking off.

He had been searching for her ever since he had heard of her from one of his prisoners talk about how her and her friends split.

He looked her up and saw she was the one,his wife,mother of his child. He knew. He had to have her. The thing was that she went missing before the group split.

So it was going to be harder to find her than it would be if she was on the grid.He had to find her,he just had to.

'Soon my love,soon' he thought and with that he left to go inspect the robots with Emma.

Hey guys.Ok so in case you are confused,Emma is like 21 and Striker has a little bit of a soft side for being a villian.And he is 25.

Hope that clears up some stuff a bit. Thanks for reading.


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