Chapter 29:Its all over

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Starfire POV:

I watched as they put Garfield in the ambulance. They said he lost a lot of blood, but he should be ok. I wanted to go back up and fight. To help Dick. But I felt it best not to. He may get mad at me, after all he wants to protect me more than anything.

I looked up to see Raven,Dick, Cyborg, and Striker. Although Striker looks like he has seen a ghost. They stepped on the ground from Ravens aura disk. I ran up to Dick and gave him a hug, then a sweet little kiss.

Raven smiled at us and looked as the police led People out of the ship and as some others put Striker in a cop car.

"How is Garfield?"She asked me. I smiled at her. "Friend Garfield shall be alright. They took him off to the hospital to stop the bleeding. We should go and make sure he is alright,"I told her. We both floated and went off towards the hospital.

We left the boys to take care of the mess.

Garfield POV:

My eyelids started to open. My vision blurred. "Beast Boy?"I heard a voice say. It sounded like Raven. After a few seconds, my vision became clear and their she was, in her uniform all cleaned up, looking almost like her old self.

I tried to sit up, then I felt a slight pain in the lower left side of my stomach. She placed both of her hands on my shoulders and told me not to move. I listened to her.

"What happened?"I asked her.

"You got shot trying to save me,"She said. Then it all came back, the gun, her tears, the blood, and all the pain."Where is he, ill kill him,"I told her.

"Relax. I took care of him. He is no longer a threat,"She said. I relaxed and fell back into the pillow. The door opened and in walked Star with a couple cups of something hot.

"Good morning. How are you doing,"She asked. I nodded my head saying I was ok. She understood and handed Raven the other cup.

"Wheres Cy and Nightwing?"I asked.

"Cleaning up the mess that Striker made. And taking care of everyone on his ship and trying to get them home using the transporter from the Justice League watchtower,"Star said sitting at the end of the bed. I felt a little pain in my lower left side again. It must have been where I got shot.

"It would help if you didnt squeeze your hand when it is still on your side,sweetie,"Raven told me. I looked to my side. I forgot my hand was still their. I removed it and she placed it on my stomach. I looked over at her, my head still in the pillow.

I felt a small tear fall down on the side of my cheek. She brought her finger up and wiped it off.I then grabbed her hand and held it close, feeling how soft and warm it felt against my cheek. More tears then started to fall.

"Gar?Whats wrong?"Rae asked. I opened my eyes to see hers. For the first time in a long time, I saw a small tear form in the corners of her eyes. She looked like she would cry as well. But she smiled instead.

"I thought I would never feel your touch again. See your face again, or be near you again,"I told her. I looked over and saw Star trying to get out without making a scene. But before she left she gave me a smile and a wink then quietly shut the door behind her.

I looked back up at Raven and I brought her hand even closer to my face, if that was even possible. I tried to move closer, but I moved just a bit too much. I felt pain in the lower left side once again. Raven laid her hand on the spot where the pain was.

It stopped and I stopped wincing. I looked up at her. She started to push on my shoulders a bit, until I was right in the pillow and on the bed lying down.

"You should sleep,"She told me, pulling up the covers and placing a small kiss on my forehead. I didnt want to, but I also didnt want to argue with her. so She closed the blinds and walked out the door, while turning off the lights and leaving me in the dark.

I closed my eyes and saw her face, then pure darkness.

Raven POV:

I watched him breath nice and steady. He looked better than when he first got here. I smiled as I looked at him,so calm,so sweet. I thought about what he said about never seeing me again. I thought the same thing, cause when he had surgery, the Doctor said his heart stopped twice.

It scared the heck out of me. I felt a hand on my shoulder and was going to pounce, but stopped when I felt metal pieces move into place.


"How is he?" He asked.

"The doc said he will be ok. Lost a lot of blood,His heart stopped..."I felt my breath get caught in my throat. Tears started to form at the sides of my eyes.

"Come on,Rae. Its ok. Tell me. I need to know, he is my friend after all,"Cyborg said.I took in a deep breath and looked into his red eye."It stopped twice,"I told him before I broke into tears. I took a deep breath and felt Cyborgs arms wrap around me.

It was over now, but what would happen in the future?

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