Chapter Ten: Reunion pt. 1

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Ravens POV:

We had kissed!

Oh my god.

If I didn't have my emotions in line then the entire house would have blown up.

He held me,tight but not too tight,like he needs to hold me. After I told him my story he has been acting a little protective. I let it slide.

"We need to let everybody know you are ok,Rae" he said.

I looked at him like Are you crazy?

He got the memo and I ignored what he said next.

I walked toward our couch, but Garfield stopped me when he wrapped his arms around my waist and wouldn't let go.

"Come on,Rae. We where all worried about you. That's why we separated. And here you are. We can restart the Titans again. Don't you want to see Nightwing, Starfire, and Cyborg again?"

"I do. But then they will ask me what happened and I don't want to tell that story again," I said trying to hold back tears.

" Then why did you tell me?"

"Because I know you. You would have not stopped until you knew. And you looked like you needed to know," I told him.

His emerald eyes where glossy. I grabbed a napkin and wipped some tears off his face. He nuzzled into me hand.

All of a sudden we heard a window break, like we haven't heard it before and then a robot scanned me.

I looked scared and boy was I. Its eyes turned red,it then told its minions that where falling in line behind him,"Get the girl. Master will be pleased." Master,who was master?

Garfield jumped in front of me,"Over my dead body. "

"That can be arranged," it said then fired something. I quickly jumped in front of him and got hit. I fell to the floor.

I was breathing hard and everything started to go fuzzy.

I heard Garfield say,"Please don't leave me. Not again. Please."

And with that said,everything was dark.

Hello readers,
Sorry for the long wait and a short chapter. As well as a cliffhanger.

But as some people know, I haven't been feeling good for some time. But I will have part two of chapter Ten posted before Monday.
Also I am basing some of their looks on the old comic book version of them.
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