Chapter 15: Mine!

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Garfield POV:

I flew as a hawk until I hit the shores of Madagascar. I looked around as I shifted.

I couldn't see anything. It was all green. This place was known for losing things,like planes,people, certain objects. The people that lived here left a while back. They said something was going on and asked us to investigate at the time.

We never found a thing. I will admit i do come here every now and again to stretch my legs and talk with different animals.

But now that he is here with her. No way.

But now im starting to think. Maybe he is why they left, i thought.

I paused when I felt something under my foot. I froze.

I looked down to see that my foot was no longer green but red. I grabbed a cloth and cleaned it up. As I looked up I saw a body. I gulped and yelped.

"Don't tell me you are already scared,BB," Cyborg said laughing a little.

When he saw the body he said,"Whoa," and he backed up.

When Star saw it she stood tall and calm,as well as Nightwing.

I stepped towards the body and flipped him over. He looked to be no older than 20,he was younger than the next man we found.

There was a trail of them,and we followed,burying them as we went along. They need to rest in peace. We reached a clearing and in the middle was a little girl and boy.

He was holding her, like her was protecting her. I picked them both up and placed them in a grave together.

When I got up I punched a tree,if that man hurt Raven, it would be the death of him. And not just for hurting her. Hurting these families and people.

Raven POV:

I walked down the hall towards an opened door. I wasn't allowed to leave,and I know if I tried nothing good could come out of it.

As I stepped through the door i saw that this wasn't an ordinary room. It was a nursery.

I stepped inside and looked around. It looked like a baby boys nursery, with baby blue walls and blue everything. Along with pooh bear and his friends on the walls.

It was so sweet. I looked over into the cradle,and there slept a beautiful baby boy. He had light brown hair and a little smile on his face.

"Logan," I turned to see the servent girl." His name is Logan. I am Emma. The masters servent," she said walking in. Logan looked a lot like his mother.

She picked him up and cradled him. He smiled and giggled a little before opening his eyes. He was so cute.

"Is he Logans father?" I asked.

"God no. Logans father is back home. Master Striker has been waiting for years to be with you," she said placing a now sleeping Logan in his crib.

Striker, I thought.So that's the idiot who brought me here . He thinks he can make me marry him. He has another thing coming.

I left the room and walked into another one that had a window with a beautiful view. I watched outside and hoped that this time they where looking for me.

Hi readers,
What do you think so far. I may not update for a while. What with finals and all.

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Love y'all


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