Chapter 6: What?

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Garfield POV:

I stood on the beach,glancing at what used to be my home. The Titans tower looked worse than when we left it.

It was a big house for 5 teens to take care of. It looked lopsided, slanted.

A lot of windows where broken. And there where a lot of windows. The whole building was practicality made of glass on the outside.

I took in a deep breath and shifted into a hawk. I flew across the small patch of ocean between the tower and Jump City.

I landed on the bottom of the towers island. I walked till I saw something move inside of the main entrance.

I was still very sneaky, and loud. I moved till I saw the shadow looking at old photos and arrays of the teams past that weren't of any use to whoever ransacked this place.

The shadow moved upstairs into the common room. I tried to keep up,but whoever this was they where fast.

I entered calm,but alert just in case I was made out. Whoever it was they where gone. I looked at the damage.

Out of the whole tower, the common room took the most. Almost everything was stripped or gone.

Our old couch was still here,surprisingly. I thought it would be the first to go. All of our pictures are on the ground and most of them are smashed to pieces.

I picked up one that was my favorite. It had everybody having a good time.Even Raven.

And she was smiling. But the picture was gone. And very recently, the dust on the frame isn't there anymore. That got me wondering. But I left it alone and started to walk around the tower.

I then stopped at my room. I pushed the door open. It looked cleaner than when I left it. And it didn't have a smell to it. That really got me wondering.

I got out of the so called room and ran down the hall back to the common room. I had my back turned for a second,then 'WHAM' I got slapped and fell to the floor. I looked up at the figure.

It was a woman. I could tell by her curves. Don't judge. I twisted her legs under her and got on top of her. She struggled, then stopped when it was obvious she wasn't escaping. I noticed that she was wearing a cloak with a hood.

I removed the hood to stare at her.

Violet hair down just past her shoulders. Pink lips, a grey/ tanish skin tone. And beautiful amathyst eyes that I fell in love with years ago.


Omg thanks to all of you that are reading this. Love you all.
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