Thank You!!!

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Thank you all so much for reading this. So the sequel will be coming up in a couple weeks. I really hope you like it.

Love yall



Here's a little sneak peek.

I watched as they came through the door. Her hair as golden as corn and his eyes as stern as a brick. They looked at me,then at what used to be my arm. "You shouldnt have lied to us like that,"He said. She stood behind him, not moving and looking like she regretted to come here.

He wrapped his hand around my other arm. He raised his other hand and pulled back, I closed my eyes and feared the pain. But it never came. I opened one eye and looked to find her holding his hand back.

"Enough,He already knows what all of us are capable of,"She said. She opened the door and there was the rest of them. Their eyes looking like they didnt want to me to be here, even after all i've done.

"Very well. Dont be shocked if I come back and give you what you deserve. After all. You are the villain here...Slade."

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