Chapter 9: All these years

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Garfield POV:

"Well...", I said hesitantly.

She gave me a look with those big beautiful eyes that I first fell in love with when she first took off her hood.

I looked away when I realized that she noticed that I was staring at her. I brought my legs to my chest a buried my head in my knees.

I could feel her gaze on me when she knew that I might not answer.  She then got up and walked in front of where I was sitting.

I glaced up a smidge,and looked at her. She had a small comforting smile. I had to tell her,after all these years I just have to .

I was going to,but when I looked up she was gone.

" Raven?Raven?" I called worried.

I looked everywhere for her. When I came into the common room and saw that the sun was going down.

I curled up on the couch and rested my head on the arm of the chair. The couch felt as comfy as it did years ago.

I was about to fall asleep when I felt something draped over me. I opened my eyes ever so slightly.

What I saw shocked me. I saw Raven putting her cloak over me like a blanket. She then moved to the other aide of the couch.

I felt bad for what happened to her and I felt guilty for not doing anything.

I shifted to a little puppy and walked over to her with the cloak in my mouth. I put it over her and snuck under it next to her chest to hear her heartbeat.

She then wrapped her arms around me. And we fell to a deep sleep.


When I woke the next morning, she was gone. But I was still wrapped in her cloak. I smelled bacon. Even though I am a vegetarian,I still like the smell.

I got up over the couch and saw Raven cooking tofu for me and eggs and bacon for herself. I sat down and started to eat.

"You know," she said with her angel like voice. "You never did answer my question of why you growled."

And with that I took a big gulp and looked down at my plate and wondered if I should tell her how I feel. After all these years,should I?

I'm with fake Terra,and I hate it. Its not like it used to be.

"What is it,Garfield?" She asked. I looked up and saw the delicate look she was giving me. I didn't know how to not say what I felt.

"Raven. I just... I love you," and with that said,her mouth was wide open and I spilled everything from the past 5 years.

"I have loved you since I realized that Terra left for good. I was going to tell you eventually, but you left. I thought it was because of me. But man was I wrong," I said and looked at her face.

"We all tried to look for you,but had no luck. After we all just drifted apart. I growled because I care,and I don't want any freak touching you," I said and looked down on my plate. I felt her hand on my shoulder. I let go of the fork and wrapped my hands around her waist.

I then felt tears form and her rubbing my back. She then ruffled my hair. The tears where almost done.

She lifted my head to her eye level and started to rub away the tears. I smiled and nuzzled my head into her hand. She smiled and brought me into a hug one more time. I breathed in her scent and felt comforted.

She released me from the hug just for a little bit. She then said"I have loved you to."

She then brought her lips to mine and we kissed. I never thought this would happen.

I never wanted it to end.

Hi fellow readers,
Ok so I haven't been feeling good for a while so I may not post another chapter for a bit. Sorry

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