Chapter 25:The pain part 2

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Starfire POV:

"RAVEN!!!!!" I screamed. I flew down to where the building blew up right under us. I started to dig and dig, but I couldnt find her,She was gone. I kept digging though. She was the friend to me. And like the sister that I always wanted.

I wasnt fast enough doing this. So i flew high and dived really hard. I broke through rocks and found her. She was passed out but still breathing I glanced down at what stopped her. Several rocks where down on her cloak and part of her shoe.

I grasped her and picked her up bridal style, waiting for Dick to remove her cloak and shoe from the rocks. I then flew up and she started to stir. I was going o fly down when I felt something hard hit my head. My eyes started to close and I started to fall,blacking out halfway along the way.

Dick POV:

I watched as Star was shot and she started to fall right out of the sky. She had dropped Raven and both of them headed down towards me. I was going to catch them,but a robot beat me to it. And so did he. He caught Raven and looked down at us. He started to laugh. 

A ship came not to far away from from where he was. He handed her to the robot that caught Star and looked down at Beast boy. His green eyes where going to blow. He was holding back a ton of anger and also not trying to charge at him with all the anger that was boiling inside him.

I wouldnt blame him, I was just as upset as he was. I mean after all, a freak is holding our girls captive and he blew up a home, that,thank god, nobody was in. He came to take over everything and is trying to marry Raven. 

"You know,Beast Boy. I knew your trick all along. Taking her from me. Making her thing that you love her for her,yeah right. She is mine now and nothing will ever change that,"He said flying towards his ship. Beast Boy lost it. He flew towards it and charged at the open door. It shut as quickly as it had opened. He hit his head and flew back down towards us.

We watched as the ship moved off towards the edge of town. And now we wonder how the heck we are going to get up there and stop him from a plan that we dont even know. 

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