Chapter 27:Her choice

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Starfire POV:

I flew down the hallway to where the man said the top of the ship was. I must have been really worried or something, cause all the boys where way behind me. I looked back too often. Because I hit the door. I moved over and held onto my head. It started to throb with pain as I backed away. Dick came up behind me and held onto me.

I looked over at him and nodded my head telling him that I was ok. He moved over and opened the door.We slipped in and looked around. There was a control desk and then the sky, we must have found the room. Another door opened and in he came. I could feel my eyes get darker and ready to fire.

But I had to stay calm, at least for Ravens sake. So to keep myself occupied, I started to rub the burns along my wrists. I know I wasnt supposed to, but it was calming me down a bit, and I wasnt scratching or doing anything that would damage them.

I moved along the wall to where he was standing. As much as I hate it, he did look good in his suite. He was adjusting it. I was going to attack, but another door opened and in walked a girl with blondish hair and a light purple dress. Then in came Raven. Her white gown was long and flowing. And she held lilacs as her bouquet. She also looked like she was crying. I looked up at her and there was some small smudges of makeup along her eyes.

I saw tears rolling down her face. I looked over and saw Garfield struggling not to run up to her and do the comforting. I looked over and saw her struggling no to get close, but he grabbed her arm and put her right in front of him. He looked up and down her body and smiled.

Pervert! I snuck up behind him as the priest started the ceremony. I couldnt let him get away with this. So I waited till he said objection, then I snapped and tackled him. Raven backed up and saw the guys over in the corner.

Garfield got up and opened his arms as Raven ran into them. He hugged her and held her close while she pulled herself together and I got off of Striker and hovered over to the rest of them.

"NO,NO,NOOOOO,"He screamed. I stood ready to pounce and ready to hurt him. We all did, except for Gar who still held Raven close. In fighting stance, we stood as one as he stood up and looked at us all. He was a little messed up and stared at Raven.

"Come with me, my love,"He said. She stayed put. "I said come with me,"He screamed. She then took a deep breath and walked forward. Gar held onto her arm and she looked back at him with a smile.

He let go and we all watched as she moved until she was halfway between him and us. She looked up and smiled at him.

"I knew you would come around to being with me,love,"He said and opened his arms for her. But she didnt move. She just stood there smiling. When she didnt move he moved for me.

I tried to duck, but was too slow. He held a knife to my throat and told her,"Come with me, or your little friend dies."

She froze and so did I. My life was in her hands.

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