Chapter 28:Battles once more

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Raven POV:

I watched as Striker held the knife to Stars throat. I had to do something fast.  I just froze though. Stars life was in my hands. I looked over at Dick who was looking terrified. I heard that him and Star hit it off again,so this was going to be a bit personal.

I breathed hard and thought about my next move. I looked up into his cold eyes. I knew he wasnt bluffing. I walked closer and he held the knife closer. I raised my hands in defense. Very well, Striker, we'll play your game by your rules.

"You win,Striker,"I said, holding up my hands and walking towards him. He pushed Star over and grabbed my arm. He held me close to him and wouldnt let the knife go. He then raised it towards my friends, then towards my neck.

I tried to move, but he just had that crazy look in his eyes. A look I am all to familiar with when it comes to our villains. I struggled to get out of his grasp, but he held me and the knife closer, I stopped moving, and he stopped putting the knife closer.

We all relaxed,but Gar was still tensed up a bit. We started to move backwards and before I knew it, we where in smoke, but we didnt get far when we where drenched in water, and I had a pretty good guess who it was.

Dick POV:

I watched as Beast Boy drenched them to get rid of the smoke. Raven ran over to us, but not before she kicked his knife out of his hand. She shook her head and gave Beast boy a look while he grinned.

"What?I saw smoke. I thought it was a fire,"He said grinning. She gave him a little slap then a kiss on the lips. I looked over at Striker and saw him get up and try to get the water out of his suit and out of his hair.

"Its over,"I said.

"Not yet,"He said. Why do they always say something like that. Cant they just accept the fact that they have lost.

He pulled out a gun and I quickly pushed Star behind me. He aimed it towards Raven who was now hugging Cyborg. He pulled the trigger and out came a bullet. I ran in front of her to take the shot. But I felt no pain when I should have.

"Garfield," I heard her scream. Then I looked over to see Beast Boy hunched over,holding his left side.  When he removed his palm, it was no longer just green. It was red. Blood.

He feel on his side and Raven ran up to him. Her eyes full of tears, and her hands covering her mouth. We all crowded around him as he still was loosing blood and a lot of it. She reached down and caressed his face as he lay in pain. 

"I told you this wasnt over,"He said and started to run towards the exit. But a black force stopped him. It was Raven.

Star held onto my shoulder. I turned and saw Raven standing, her eyes black and her hair floating a bit. I backed up and made sure Cyborg and Star where behind me as we went behind a pipe that was big enough to hide them all from what was about to happen.

Star then moved and flew out, but before I could grab her, she was back, with Garfield. But we needed to get him out of here, he was loosing a lot of blood and was becoming a lighter shade of green.

I nodded to her and she crashed through the windows in the front with Gar in hands. Cyborg and I stayed, just in case Raven needed us, we doubt she will, but still, its always best to have back up and be prepared.

We hid behind the pipe and waited. But nothing happened. When we turned around though, we where then surrounded in pure darkness.  

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