Chapter 19: Where is she?

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Striker POV:
I awoke with a pounding headache. I looked around and only found Emma ,looking relieved.

I looked to my side,she was gone.
I got up and held Emma by the hair.

"Where is she?!! Where did you put my love?" I asked in a vigorus tone.

"Nowhere sir. She was gone when I came in to check on you Tuesday morning," I released her hair from my grip.

"Tuesday morning? Emma how long have I been out?" I asked sitting on the bed.

She came to my side and wrapped her arms around my shoulders.

"Several days sir. Its Saturday. We all thought they had poisoned you,or that you had left us for good," she stated. I nodded to let her go take care of Logan. I got up and looked for clues of a struggle.

Why would she go with them? They didn't even look for her when she went missing. I did. I did everything for her.

She must have fought back and they must have knocked me out so that I wouldn't help my love escape them.

Those imbisals, she must be having torture by now. Those idiots. I wonder if that green one has her believing that she loves him and he loves her. I am going to kill him!

I raced to get changed only to find myself weak.

"EMMA!!!" I yelled down the hall. I heard her feet running towards my room.

She opened the door and saw that I was on the floor. She rushed over and helped me up onto my bed.

"What is going on? I feel so weak," I said.

Emma brought something light and told me to eat it. She said I was hit with knock out gas and was out for several days. And it would take some time for my strength to come back.

All the while, my love is with those freaks, and possibly forgetting about me. I shook away the thought.

I don't see why she left with them. They are pigs, disgraces.

I ate and drank while I thought of my next move to get her back and hide her somewhere else.

I tried to get up again, but Emma held her hand out and pushed me back in bed.

"Not till you are healthy, sir. If you wish to get her back, you must have full strength," she said.

I listened to her and sat on my bed, just imagining what we could do to the world. And what they might do with her. It tore me apart to think of her sleeping with him.

Garfield POV:

She was back and I was happy once again. I woke up to an empty bed, well besides me of course.

It had been several days since we had gotten her back. And she was gone already. I had a small panic attack. I got up and searched everywhere. I couldn't find her.

But I finally found her in the kitchen giving Starfire cooking lessons. Oh boy...

She was helping her make earth food though. I watched them from behind, Star was doing good. Nightwing and Cyborg came in and looked at the stove, then Raven and Starfire.

They then looked at each other, then took cover. Raven turned around and smiled, then placed eggs and bacon out.

She then placed some eggs and tofu bacon in front of me. She then ruffled the top of my head.

Star walked over to Cy and Dick. She helped Cyborg up, then placed a small kiss on Dicks forhead.

He got up and walked over to the table. Everybody sat down, except Raven, who was watching the bacon to make sure that it didnt burn.

She left to go check on it. I got up and followed her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close.

She smiled and placed a hand on my cheek. When she was done we sat down with the rest of the team and talked. It was an amazing breakfast. Star and Rae did a really good job.

And with my tofu.

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