Chapter 14: No No NOOO

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Garfield POV:
"Nooo," i screamed as he jumped out the broken window with Raven in his arms.

I started to tear up. She said she would not leave me,but she did. I was going to kill him. Starfire placed a hand on my shoulder calming me down a little bit.

She pulled me into a hug real quick.
I started crying on her shoulder. She patted my back.

"We need to find her," I told everybody. "We will and we are," Dick said answering me.

I gave him a confusing look. He pointed to Cyborg, he was tracking her.


I was super confused.

"When you two where sleeping. I slipped it on her cloak before I left the room. I knew they would come back for her eventually. Just didn't think this soon," Cyborg told me.

I had to agree with him on that. I also thanked him for tracking her.

If that Bozo thinks he can marry Raven or do anything with her, he is going to be shredded and fed to the sharks. I won't let her go missing for 5 years this time.

Raven POV:

I woke up on a big bed with a chain strapped to my ankle. I froze when I heard someone shuffle on the other side of the bed.

I looked down there to find my clothes still on and no pain. So nothing happened.

I turned my head to find a man sleeping right next to me,breathing heavily.

I wanted to escape but this chain was preventing that from happening. I could move around the romm though.

I got off the bed and gave myself the grand tour of the bedroom. It was a dark blue with hints of deep purple and gold every now and again.

I then found a window with a seat. I sat on the seat. The chain pulled a little,but I was able to bring my knees to my chest and stare at the sun rise.

It is beautiful, I used to do it every now and again with Robin or Cyborg. But I spent the most of my time in the sunrises and sunsets with Beast Boy.

I missed him. I wonder if he was actually looking for me this time, now that he knows i was taken and I didn't leave on my own.

I also felt like I let him down. Before I was shot with a tranquilizer dart(10x the original dose for animals) I promised him that I would never leave him, not again.

Now im gone, I "left" him. I should have seen this coming.

I was mentally beating myself up for it,when two arm wrapped around my waist. And his chest was on my back. It was so close and I could feel it because they took off my cloak.

I moved away form him and showed him I needed space.

"Getting cozy in a bed where I'm unconscious,fine. Getting cozy while watching the sunrise while wide awake, no. I have a boyfriend," i told him holding my hand up to back him away.

"Had a boyfriend,my love. He tricked you into falling in love with him. Its ok, I know you still have a little bit of feelings for him and i will help deminish those feelings for us to be together at last," he said grasping my hand and pulling me into his embrace.

He pushed my in a wall and was about to kiss me when I pushed him. He backed up a bit,then nodded his head.

"Too soon?" He asked. I nodded this time.

"Don't worry we will have plenty of time for that when we are married," he told me.

"Good...wait what? Married? I am not marrying you," I said in a hard voice.

"Oh yes you will. We will be together forever and you will carry my child. That stupid green boyfriend of yours won't be able to do anything," he said. He then left his room.

He just messed with the wrong girl.
He treated me like I was a toy,or I was his mate like in those werewolf books.

I was neither. I needed to get out of here fast. I sure hope they are looking for me.

Cyborg POV:

I sat on the couch waiting to get a ping from Ravens tracker. I needed to know where that son of a bitch took my little sister.

These guys are like a family to me since dad died. She was like everybodys annoying little sister. Except to BB. To him she was a goddess, a Alpha wolf or even a Luna.

She is his love, He cares for her so much. I looked over to him. I told everybody to go to bed.

But they all stayed and slept on the couch. I accepted it. It is a big couch.

Anyway, I was getting tired as well. I felt sleep overtaking me, then i herd it ping.

I found her.

"Everybody up. We got her," I said to everyone.

Beast boy turned to a kitten and jumped on my shoulder. Star had flew over to my side.

Nightwing stayed asleep. Star kissed him on the cheek, which woke him up and he toppled over onto the floor.

"I'm up," he called from the floor. I smiled.

"Where is she?" They all asked.

"Madagascar," I said with an odd look. They all gave me that same look.

"Maybe it is the wrong location," Star said. I shook my head.

"Impossible," I told her. She shrugged her shoulders. Just a suggestion.

"Sounds right," Nightwing said, now that he was standing up.

We all looked at him.
Then the tracker disappeared. Which mean two things that I don't want to mention.

"No,No,Noooooo," BB screamed.

"I still know where it is," I told him. "Let's go,before they move and we loose her again," I said.

We then grabbed our gear and took off.Hoping to not be too late.

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