Chapter 26:Bring it on!

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Cyborg POV:

Garfield landed on my shoulder and looked up. If he wasnt a cute little bird, he would be punching me like no tomorrow. It wouldnt hurt me at all since I am metal. And it helps get his anger out. He jumped off and shifted before he hit the ground.

Looking up at the ship,he had this nasty look that wouldn't seem to go away. I knew he needed her. She was his heart and what his heart wanted. "We need to go up there,"Dick said coming down from the roof. As he landed he looked up along with us.

"Im going alone,"Garfield said. He was going to shift, but Dick placed a hand on his shoulder. Garfield turned around and looked over. What do you think you are doing. Raven is up there, probably being tortured, and here you are stopping me from saving my girl,"He said getting angry. Dick and him then got into a huge argument.

I pulled out a whistle and blew it.They both stopped in their tracks and looked at me. Gar had his hands over his ears,since he was part animal, his ears where more sensitive. I glanced at both of them.

"This is what lead us to break up last time. Now you two can argue all you want. But that will not save Raven or Star. You both think you know what is best for them. But they can take care of themselves.We have all seen it. And if we are going to rescue them, then we need to quit arguing and come up with a plan,"I said.

They both looked at the ground. then at each other. I placed my hands on my hips, I liked being the oldest,but I hated yelling at the people I called my brothers. But when I need to, I have to.

They both inhaled deeply."Your right,"Garfield said after some time.Dick ran his hand through his hair and nodded his head and looked at me with a smile. I returned that smile. We then set out a plan to get in and help them.

We figured that he would have Raven close to him and we werent sure how to get her out just yet, but Star, we knew how.

I pressed a button on my arm and some rockets ended up under my feet, a little installment I added at the watchtower. Garfield shifted to a green pterodactyl and Dick climbed onto his back and off we flew towards the ship.

I noticed that it was heading away from Jump City. It must have been heading towards another city. One that must have been more popular than Jump, like New York,Metropolis, or even Gotham. It was moving at a slow fast pace, at least it might have been if my rocket boots werent so powerful,cause I also lost Gar and Dick back a few miles. Whoops!

I still flew towards it faster and faster until I hit the door.When I opened the hanger door, I saw Gar trying to catch up and then he made it and collapsed while shifting. He breathed in and out very hard and looked up to find me staring at him.

I closed the door and turned on a small light on my shoulder. It was dark when I closed the door. We navigated throughout until we found some holding cells with several people in them. Several held what looked like familys trapped in them. And we needed to get them out and away from here.

I found the controls and was about to shut them off when Dick screamed,"Noooo."I looked up and saw him staring at me. Then his face turned towards the last container. I walked over and stared up.

There hanging from her arms, was Star.

Garfield POV:

I watched as our faces went to streak horror as we saw Star hanging from ropes and she had a bunch of loose wires all along her body. She looked like she was in pain from the tears that where streaming down her face.

Dick placed his hands on the glass casing and hit it with his fist. We needed to get her out of there before she was electrocuted. But it looked like her wrists where starting to get it, so We had to move fast, But Dick looked like he was going to blow a fuse if we didnt do something.

I placed a hand on his shoulder and shifted to a little bat and flew up to the vent. I crawled through and looked around the other vents till I found Stars canister.

I snuck down and tried not to move the wires just in case. "I am the alright. Just get these wires off of me, please,"She begged. I touched the wires and the ones around her neck and body werent on. The ones around her wrists where.

I bit off the ones that werent active,which loosened the hold they had on her. I then touched the ones on her wrists. They werent deadly anymore so I chewed them up, and these wires where nasty.

Thank goodness I didnt swallow. After I got all the wires off of her Cy cut off the power and Dick came up and held her bridal style as I shifted and cut off her ropes. He lowered her down and she looked a little tired, but she was gaining her energy.

She looked up and saw Nightwing looking down at her with a smile and a couple tears in his eyes. She gave him a smile back and wrapped her arms around his neck and brought him in for a hug.

I was happy to see that he had his girl back, but I want mine.

"Im sorry to break up this reunion,"I started. Star looked at me and Dick looked like he wanted to kill me. "But do you know what happened to Rae?" I asked. Star tried to get up but started to fall. We all rushed to help her.

She started to float and pushed us all back. She gave all the sorta look."We where separated and he took her with him after they knocked me out and tied me up. They headed out the door with her, I wish I saw where they where going,"She said.

"I may know,"A man said. He stood up and helped a woman, who was most likely his wife,out of the cell."He might take her to the front of the ship. He makes the big announcements there. If he is marrying her, then they are most likely there."

We all thanked them and ran down the hallway. We found a ton of gear. Our gear that he must have ransacked from the tower. We got dressed and grabbed some stuff for Rae.

We where ready

Ready to fight!

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