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Amanda Pov

So it was early in the morning, I won't say that it was the next morning though, as Sammy's nightmare happened at about 2 O'clock in the morning so there's that to think of here, not that it made much difference to me either way but I thought that it should be pointed out, ya know, (maybe I'm just too far into being Mumsy here, but don't quote me).

Danny was making breakfast, as he really likes making us breakfast before he leaves for work and I'm not going to stop him, (plus I'm not the best cook, I can kinda cook, but it's not great cooking), it was also probably the only time in the day that we get to eat together as a family, as Sammy was usually in bed when Danny gets back from work, (as he works stupid hours, but I also get why he does work stupid hours).

"How did Sammy sleep last night Babe?"
"Not great, she had that nightmare again last night, she went back to sleep eventually but it took a while"
"Should we take her to see someone?"
"I was thinking about that, but anywhere that is open is only open when you're at work Babe"
"That's fine Babe, I haven't been awake at all when Sammy's had that nightmare"
"Ok, (kiss), I'll let you know how it goes then"

So we then had breakfast together, as you do, (God I'm awful at descriptions here), then Danny had to get ready for work, (I still prefer his bedhead but I get why he styles it in a quiff), and then he went to work, as he usually did, (I know that I'm stating the obvious here but I'm only saying it because it happened).

"Danny do you want me to ring and let you know or just tell you when you get home?"
"Tell me when I get home Babe, you probably won't be home that long before me"
"Ok Babe, (kiss), I love you"
"I love you too"

So after Danny went to work, I got Sammy and I ready to go to my Aunt Dotty, (she would know what the dreams actually mean here, because of her third eye and all that jazz), (see I told you I would get back to the future seeing great aunt eventually), though it did mean going to New York City, which was not fucking fun, (I mean have you seen New York traffic?, not fucking fun let me tell ya Babes).

"Where are we going Momma?"
"We're going to see someone about your nightmares Sweetheart"
"Momma, did I do something wrong?"
"No no Baby, you didn't do anything wrong Sweetheart, (kisses temple), we're just going to make sure that you're okay and that the nightmares aren't going to hurt you in the long run, ok Darling"
"Ok Momma, can I bring Mr Cuddles with us?"
"Yeah Baby, go grab Mr Cuddles for me"

So Sammy ran upstairs and grabbed her Teddy, and then she ran back down the stairs as fast as her little legs could carry her for, so then we go to the car and got into the car, (yes, I know that it's not exactly the most exciting wording ever, but like it's the truth).

"'M ready Momma"
"Ok Baby, let's get you strapped in, ok"
"Ok Momma"

I strapped Sammy in, (because safety first), got into the car myself and drove off, I was kind of hoping that Sammy would actually get some sort of sleep in the car, as she hadn't slept properly for 5 days, and she did sleep a little bit, but it took her ages to actually get to sleep, (but that was far more into the journey, I really hope she hasn't inherited my insomnia here).

"Yeah Baby"
"Is it a long drive?"
"It shouldn't be too long Darling, but we'll grab something to eat in a bit, ok?"
"Ok Momma"

So I drove on motorway, (even though the yanks call them highways, I genuinely cringe when I hear myself say highway), it wasn't too bad of a drive while we were still in New Jersey, but I did stop somewhere to grab something to eat just before we were in New York State, as I needed to hype myself up for the rest of the journey.

"Hey Baby, are you hungry?"
"Alright then, let's go get something to eat then"

So we went and grabbed some food, (well it was really grabbing some picky bits so that I could procrastinate on actually going to my Aunt Dotty's), I know eating won't solve my problems here, but it does relieve a little bit of anxiety that I had brewing in my stomach, (I may regret that later though, so don't necessarily lead by my actions).

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