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Amanda Pov

So I was driving to New York, as you do, Sammy had fallen asleep in the car, which was probably better of for us both, (as most 5 year olds hate travelling in the car), she looked like she was getting a real good dream too, (she needed it after that bloody nightmare).

The drive itself wasn't too bad after we left the motorway, (and weirdly New York wasn't as bad traffic wise as I thought it would be), like I had driven worse drives, but then I say this only because of the population density in the Uk and how that effects the roads, (that was a real long winded way to say that driving in the US is mostly easier).

Anyway, we got there in a few hours, (which I was thankful for if I'm being completely honest with you here Babes), and being in Aunt Dotty's house was weirdly comforting, (I say weirdly because my Aunt Dotty was my mother's side of the family and that's a whole bloody story in itself), I did have to wake Sammy up though.

"Hey Baby, we're here"
"I was asleep?"
"Yeah Baby, you were, that's ok though, it just means that you needed it"
"Oh 'm sorry Momma"
"Why are you sorry Baby?"
"My sleeping might've dis- uh- distracted you"
"No Baby, (kisses cheek), you don't snore like Daddy does"
"(Sleepy giggles), Daddy's snores sound like Tom and Jerry snores"
"Is that so?"
"Ok Baby, come on, let's go in"

So after that we went in and I sat with my Aunt Dotty, as ya do I guess, (fuck I'm really shit at describing things), Sammy was playing somewhere as I didn't want to traumatise her if it was something really serious, (that does sound bad, I'm not gonna lie to ya, but it made me feel a little bit better, ok, sue me).

"Is this about Sammy's nightmare?"
"Yeah it is, is it bad?"
"Not for her-"
"Oh thank God"
"But it's not good news for you my dear"
"What do you mean by that?"
"Well, you're going to die after Sammy's 7th birthday"

It took me a minute to even process what my Aunt Dotty had said, (what?, it was fucking shocking, alright), as I wouldn't have ever thought that Sammy's nightmare would've been a straight up death prediction, (as there's usually a hidden message in a repeating nightmare, though apparently not this time).

"Oh shit, I don't wanna know how I die"
"I couldn't tell you that anyway Sweetie, not after the last time I predicted someone's death"
"That's fair, Sammy's going to be ok though, right?"
"Yes, she'll be as ok as you can get after losing your Mum dearie, oh and that nightmare should be gone now"
"Ok, thank you Aunt Dotty"

My Aunt Dotty just looked like the world was going to catch fire, and I didn't know how to fix it, as there's no way to unsee your Great Niece dying, though maybe it wasn't a fixable problem, as she's predicted many horrifying events in her lifetime, (she even predicted her own Grandson's death, but that was way, way off compared to my own death, so I don't know details here).

"You shouldn't be thanking me-"
"You don't plan the future Aunt Dotty, you're just the messenger in all this bullshit"
"I'm just so sorry that you're dying after building your new life here that you worked so hard for"
"Yeah but that can't be helped"
"I guess not"
"Will Danny be ok?"
"That I don't know Darling, as every time I look, how he is after all this changes on me, the only thing that remains the same every time is that he never remarries after you"
"Ok, thank you for everything"
"I just wish that I could've done more"
"You made sure that we were all ok growing up, that's more than any other adult in my life"
"That wouldn't be hard, they were too prideful of their own image, have a safe trip back home, ok"
"I'll try"

I got myself and Sammy back into the car to go home, it felt like we had forever to actually get home, but I don't know if the news that I had just received made me feel that way, or if it was just straight up tiredness from driving for so long, (I don't know how all you Americans do long driving trips).

I genuinely did think about tell Danny about what Aunt Dotty predicted, but knowing how his thought process worked, he would want to try and change things and from every single time travelling or future prediction movie that I've ever watched in my lifetime, I have learned that messing with how things will turn out actually makes things worse.

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