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Amanda Pov

Danny had started to tidy stuff up in the living room, but I didn't see him come in from work, (and it's not like the door was quiet or anything), I had fallen asleep, (which would've been a miracle with insomnia if I wasn't sick with a sleeping sick child on me).

"When did you get in?"
"I've not been in long Babe"
"You don't have to tidy up-"
"You're so sick that you slept Babe, there's no way that you could do any of this right now"
"Well yeah but-"
"No, it's not up for a debate Mandy"

Danny knew me so fucking well that he knew to just negate it as a debate here, (I mean we had been together for 9 years so that would help him here, but it's still kinda weird to me), yes I had no energy but that hadn't stopped me before.

"Are you feeling better?"
"No, I still feel like I've been hit by a fucking bus"
"I'll make you some tea then"
"Thank you"
"Don't think about tidying-"
"I actually don't have the energy to move"
"Then don't"

I knew that he was right but admitting as such didn't make it any easier for me to not move, (though that was semi sorted out for me by Sammy being asleep on me, that's not the point though), I shouldn't even been thinking about moving about or tidying but it just didn't feel right, ya know, (or not, maybe I'm just nuts).

"What are you feeling for dinner?"
"Full health"
"I unfortunately can't serve full health, as it's not a servable thing, is there anything else that you want?"
"You choose, you're cooking and I don't know what you need to eat"
"This really isn't all that helpful Babe"
"I'm honestly not all that hungry right now, you make what you want to eat and I'll probably pick at it"
"Alright Babe"

So Danny went to cook dinner, and I don't know what else happened, (though probably not much actually accrued as 2 of the 3 members of the family were sick and asleep on the couch), as I apparently fell back to sleep, I say apparently because I don't have any memory of it, (though most people don't remember what happened just before they go to sleep), I was shocked that I even slept at all considering I'm a fucking Insomniac here.

"Hey Babe-"
"Shit, I fell asleep again"
"Yeah, I didn't want to wake you up but I also knew you wouldn't thank me for that later"
"You know me so well"
"I mean I hope so, I did marry you"
"Oh piss off, that's not what I meant and you bloody well know it"
"Come on, I'll grab Sammy off you so that you'll actually eat something Babe"
"Alright so"

While the idea of eating made me want to puke my guts up right then and there, I also knew that I wouldn't have the energy to fight whatever the fuck it was if I didn't at least attempt to eat something, (I learned that one the hard way), so I got up to actually eat something, (even though I didn't want to).

After I ate something I did actually feel a little better, (not enough to be like cured or anything), Sammy went straight to bed as she was just so sleepy, I went back to the couch, because as much as I wanted to do somethings around the house, I genuinely didn't have the energy to do as such, (because ya know, I was sick).

"Why don't you just go to bed Babe?"
"And what, lay awake staring at the ceiling waiting for you to come to bed too?, no thanks"
"You're literally falling asleep as you speak"
"Yeah, but if I move to go to bed, I'll be wide awake staring at the bloody ceiling as my body dislikes being told where to sleep apparently"
"Then I'll go to bed with you"
"But it's too early for you to go to bed and not wake up at stupid O'clock in the morning"
"Is that a dig at my age?"

That shouldn't have been funny to me, but it was funny to me because I wasn't going to see him get genuinely old, (look I never said that my sense of humour was necessarily healthy, ok).

"No, (giggles), not everything is about you turning bloody 30, I have other material if I wanted to dig at you"
"Like what?"
"Like the fact that you look about 45 with your quiff but 17 when you have bedhead"
"45 with my quiff is a bit of a stretch Babe"
"It would be a stupid thing to lie about"
"People have lied about worse"
"That doesn't make it any less stupid to lie about"

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