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Amanda Pov

I was driving Sammy to school, it was her first day of school year, and she was really excited about it, (which was absolutely adorable), if it was possible she would have been actually bouncing in her seat, (which I genuinely could not relate to as I really hated school when I was her age here).

"Yeah Baby"
"Do you think that Daddy could make his everything pasta for dinner?"
"I'll ask him for you Baby"
"Thank you Momma"
"You're welcome Darling"

We were stopped at the traffic light, as you're supposed to be when the light turns red, when a car was racing towards us and I sat on the horn because I thought they couldn't see us, but they ploughed straight into us, there was a split second where I thought that it couldn't get worse and then my stomach dropped when I heard Sammy scream, I then really freaked it when she went to move, (I didn't know how bad her injuries were and I couldn't take the risk of her moving).

"Sammy!, Baby, shit, hey hey Baby girl, you can't move yet"
"Are we going to die Momma?"
"No no Baby, we're not going to die"
"Then why can't I move yet?"
"(A failed attempt at a deep breath), We don't know how badly you're hurt Baby, ok, we're going to be ok"
"Then why are you moving Momma?"
"I'm just calling us an ambulance Sweetheart"
"It hurts so bad Momma"
"Oh God, I know Baby, I'm so sorry"
"It's not your fault though Momma"

So I called an ambulance and then it was honestly a waiting game for when they got to us and it took everything in me to try and not freak it over this as that would freak Sammy out and that would've made her injuries worse, (but honestly it felt like I was failing to not freak out about the situation).

"Am I going to miss School?"
"Yeah Baby, you'll miss school"
"Am I going to be in trouble for that?"
"No Baby, we've been in a car accident, nobody can ever predict them, it's why they're called accidents Darling"
"Are we stuck Momma?"
"We're just waiting for the ambulance Baby"
"Are they going to be long?"
"No Baby, they shouldn't be too much longer"

Yes, I was definitely lying through my fucking teeth here, but how else were we going to survive this shit show?, also I didn't want the burden of if we're going to even live to be given to a 7 year old, as that was a burden that I unfortunately understood at the same age and she deserves better than that.

"Yeah Baby"
"Can I move yet?"
"No Baby, you can't move yet, we don't know how badly you're hurt, we'll need to wait until the ambulance arrives"
"Ok Momma"

I didn't know what state I was in, (the mirrors were smashed to pieces), I just knew that Sammy was covered in blood and there was glass shattered absolutely fucking everywhere, I wanted to scream with the pain that I was in, but that wasn't going to fix that we were in a car accident, (and a pretty bad accident at that) and screaming would've made Sammy want to move and she couldn't move.

What felt like hours later I heard sirens coming towards us, I almost let out a sigh of relief as I saw them, after that I don't know what happened, I don't remember how we got out of the car, I don't even remember getting to the hospital, after hearing the sirens I just remember waking up already in hospital.

I woke up in a hospital bed, I could tell because it was not my bed and it spelt strongly of antibacterial stuff, (I don't remember what Americans call it, ok fucking sue me), I opened my eyes and Danny was sat beside me, which might've made me worry about Sammy, (I don't exactly know why that was, as I wasn't awake for all that long, just that I did).

"Is Sammy ok-"
"She's ok Babe, she was worried about you"
"Why's that?"
"Your heart stopped as the ambulance arrived"
"Shit, the poor baby, (sighs), Babe, there's something that I need to tell you"
"Please don't tell me that you're pregnant"
"(Snorts), No, we both know that I couldn't survive another birth, no, you remember Sammy's nightmare about me dying?"

Danny just looked confused as to why I would even bring that up, but it was important that he knew before I died in case this fucking curse effects Sammy too, (I wouldn't be surprised if it did as it was a generation fucking curse here), as nobody could tell me of this was a multi generational curse or not, so that was why I told Danny now, so that she had a chance at beating it, (It might not even effect her but I couldn't risk it).

"What does that have to do with anything?"
"Shh, shut up and let me tell you then, my Mother's side of the family descend from psychics-"
"Fortune tellers-"
"No Daniel, there's no crystal ball involved, plus I'm pretty sure that fortune tellers travelled, anyway I've told you about my Aunt Dotty"
"Yeah, she used to visit you in foster care whenever she was in England"
"Yes that's her, well I went to her the time of that nightmare-"

Danny looked like he wanted to bash his head against the wall, (probably because he really doesn't believe in spiritual stuff), but there wasn't anything that I could've done as it was at this point that I knew that I really didn't have all that long left, (like it was a couple of hours tops).

"Don't tell me she told you that you were going to die-"
"I can't lie to you Daniel"
"Why didn't you tell me?!"
"Because we both know that you would want to change it, and that makes everything worse"
"Why would changing things so you don't die making anything worse?!"
"It can cause a fucking curse!, well actually it did cause a curse when my mother tried it for my Dad, why do you think that everything went to shit after he died?"

This was not a conversation that I wanted to ever have with Danny, but I didn't have long left, and he needed to know about the curse if Sammy was going to avoid it, (I probably should've told him earlier, but I also wasn't ready to have that conversation with him earlier), so that's why I was telling him then, (wether he believed me was not something that I thought about all that much).

"Mandy why the fuck did you think that keeping this kind of thing to yourself was a good idea?"
"I didn't think that it was a good idea, I just didn't have a better plan, plus I didn't exactly want to be thrown into the fucking looney bin"
"Did your Aunt Dotty give you any specifics?"
"Just that I would die after Sammy's 7th birthday, if there were any other clues, I didn't get told them"
"Do I have to get a lawyer involved-"
"I have a will sorted, I also have paid off some of the funeral expenses, I couldn't pay for it all as there was no date-"
"Why did you pay off the funeral costs?, do you think that I couldn't-"
"I wanted to take something off your plate when I die, we both know that you'll have enough to try juggle when I go"

Breathing was becoming harder and harder, until I couldn't breathe anymore and with that I died.

Baby, Baby, BabyWhere stories live. Discover now