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Amanda Pov

It was a Sunday, Sundays were the days that Sammy and I did nothing but watch movies while Danny tinkered around with cars in the garage, (don't ask me why he did that on a day he wasn't working, because I don't know why he does it, ok, he clearly likes being a mechanic though, so that's a good thing I suppose Babes).

So we were watching the Little Mermaid, (as you do), as it was Sammy's favourite movie ever, (I don't know why that was, but I wasn't going to ask her here), and honestly I'm taking it over watching the same tv shows here, ok, anyway, we were watching the Little Mermaid, as you do, (I could probably quote the movie from beginning to end at this point and I don't know if that's normal or not).

"Yeah Baby"
"Did you know that you look like Ariel?"
"No, I didn't know that"
"Oh, well you do Momma"
"You think so?"
"Ok Baby"

So I continued to watch the movie, (as we always did), because I didn't know what else I was supposed to do here, as I'm not an expert on child opinions with who they think that you look like here, ok, I only have one child here, how am I supposed to know if it's normal or not?, (I would've had more children if it wasn't for my health issues and the threat of death while I was giving birth to Sammy).

Sammy started to fall asleep, and I could've tried to keep her awake but she still would've fallen asleep on me so it was just easier to let her fall asleep on me, (honestly it wasn't a hardship though), the movie ended and I still couldn't move as at this point my legs were numb, though I didn't have to watch the credits as Danny came in from tinkering around with his car at that point and sat down with me, (he didn't usually come in from doing his cars until dinner had to be sorted).

"Dead legs?"
"Why do you watch it if she just falls asleep before it's done?"
"She doesn't always fall asleep during the movie, and you try to tell her that she can't watch it, because I ain't doing it"
"Why?, Momma can't say no?"
"Mama can say no perfectly fine thank you very much Daniel, it's a tradition and I didn't have many of those growing up"
"Did you really just pull the foster care kid card?"
"No, I didn't mention it, you pulled it for me"
"Piss off"
"Nah, the house would bloody fall apart if I wasn't here"
"Yeah, it would Babe"

It was nice to just sit down together and not need to do anything, (as that didn't happen all that often), it was a bit weird that Danny wasn't fixing up cars in the garage but I wasn't complaining, (Danny and I were creatures of habit, so this wasn't the norm for us at all), the quiet was broken by Danny.

"This is nice"
"Does this mean that you won't always lock yourself in the garage?"
"I suppose that does mean that I won't"
"That's such a longwinded way to agree with me"
"Yeah well a one worded answer didn't feel right to me Babe"
"(Snorts), of course it didn't"

As much as it could sound and look like we were about to argue, it was just how we were, and as much as we were for the long haul, (despite shit happening), he would be devastated if he knew that I was keeping such a big thing from him, (I also felt so guilty about it, but what else could I do to stop the curse from punishing Sammy too?).

"Do you want some tea?"
"That would be lovely thank you"

I don't know how the fuck he always knows when I needed a cuppa, but it honestly baffled me how he knew, anyway Danny went to make me a cuppa while little miss was still sleeping on me, and I know that I was lucky to have him, which made me feel even more guilty that I was keeping him in the dark about Aunt Dotty's death prediction for me.

Danny came back in with my cuppa just as I was about to start overthinking about my life decisions here, did Danny know that I was about to overthink my life decisions, probably not, but I also wouldn't put it past him to try and time it so that I didn't overthink things, (and honestly I couldn't have asked for a better person to be married to).

"Thank you Babe"
"You don't have to thank me Babe, I did it because I wanted to"
"I know"

Baby, Baby, BabyWhere stories live. Discover now