21. Blast To The Past

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I waited as Hermione got situated in her coat and peered around the street.

Then there it was the same guy who was at the café earlier. I was skeptical but didn't want to risk anything, so started walking faster as Hermione followed behind.

"So, I'm guessing you've been to Paris before?"

I turned my head to her and nodded, "Yeah, this is where everything happened. The 'final battle,' where my uncle was defeated. But I mean, I never had a big thing for Paris, we were just trying to stay safe. Oh, turn here."

She followed my arm's direction and we turned and soon went up some steps leading to another turn but I stopped Hermione as I turned to the giant statue in the middle of the path.

"What are we doing?"

"Just wait for a moment, this guy is creeping me out."

I motioned over to the man who was still following us, and she nodded understanding. The second he turned away, I grabbed Hermione's hand and pulled us through the statue as it opened the entrance.

We walked through to the other side and immediately her eyes widened at the number of wizards and witches in the street

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We walked through to the other side and immediately her eyes widened at the number of wizards and witches in the street.

"This is basically a mix of Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade, except it's cleaner and French."

She laughed and peered around as her eyes widened.

I watched her reaction and soon she found herself walking along the sidewalk, looking at all the stores. There were younger kids playing with a golden snitch that caught my attention but there were also other people who were walking their pets along the sidewalk.

I smiled and walked up to the group of kids as Hermione found herself walking into the bookstore as she beamed with joy.

{my french isn't as good, sorry to french speaks if it isn't perfect}

"Bonjour, s'amuser aujourd'hui?" (Hello, having fun today?)

"Bonjour! Erm, oui? Look, we just found this old snitch!"

"Oh, you speak English? I asked if you were having fun."

The younger blonde girl starting talking in a sweet french accent as she showed me the snitch while the other two kids were shyer and stood behind her, "We have a lot of fun here! My name is Genevieve, and this is Scout and Harry."

I nodded as I listened and dug into my bag, "I have a cousin named Genevieve and a friend named Harry. But it's very nice to meet you all. Actually, I have some fun objects you can play with if you want."

I pulled out some thunder crackers, three headless hats, and a fanged frisbee as I watched the other kids perk up.

"These are some fun things that a few of my friends made. I hope you have fun with them."

"Wow!" "Thank you!"

Harry, the little boy with ginger hair walked up and took a hat from my hand as I handed them out. Next was the older boy, Scout, he had brown hair and freckles all across his face.

They took the products and started playing with them as I stood up, watching them.

Scout soon walked over to me and shyly tugged on my coat, "Thank you for the toys, miss. Also, I think your eyes are very pretty. I like purple."

I smiled and kneeled down, "I like purple too. My name is Scarlett, by the way. It's nice to meet you, Scout."

He smiled and nodded shyly before he turned back to his friends as I smiled at them running around chasing each other, sending me smiles every so often.


In alarm, I flinched as the kids turned to me but soon backed away scared when they met my face. I tried to calm them down but they only backed away even more frightened.

"It's her!"

I furrowed my brows confused but soon Hermione was standing in front of me as she looked down at her new books, "This bookstore has every- Oh, Scarlett! Your eyes, they- they're blue!"

She too soon backed away before pulling out a smaller mirror cautiously tossing it to me.

"Not again..." I whispered to myself as I lifted the mirror up to my face and was shocked by my own reflection, but somehow not afraid.

" I whispered to myself as I lifted the mirror up to my face and was shocked by my own reflection, but somehow not afraid

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I shut my eyes tightly and took a deep breath, trying to focus. A pain shot through my head and my hands flew up as I dropped the mirror. My eyes shot open as I watched the glass shatter at my feet.

The kids backed away from me, as they stood behind Hermione, who didn't know what to do either. I, myself took a step back not wanting to hurt them.

Then a patronus arrived, a silver deer walked between Hermione and me, and soon we heard Harry's voice, "I think I know what to do, and I'm hoping you won't get mad if I say that we should leave tonight. Alright, I hope you both are okay and heading back here."

I looked up at Hermione who then nodded as I gave an apologetic look to the kids before walking through the statue once more.

Once we arrived on the other side, Hermione grabbed my arm and guided me to an alley, "What was that? What's going on? Why are your eyes blue, it- it's like your uncle's?"

"Alright, I'm aware Hermione. Just leave it alone. This way, come on."

"Scarlett, I want to-"

"Hermione, leave it." I snapped at her and she soon quieted down, following me towards the street again.

We took a turn heading into a crowded street, one that we had to find our way across.

I was growing annoyed at how many people there were, but they were all minding their own business. So without thinking, I discreetly grabbed Hermione's arm and apparated us just to the other side of the crowd.

Except it was a big mistake.

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