6. Bets On Love

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Sitting at the end of the dining table we were all quite famished as we ate all our favorites, including berries, toast, and pancakes.

I was lost in thought but I knew that at some point, Esmeree would have to return to the school. I just didn't want her to.


I dropped my fork, snapping back into reality, as I turned to Esmeree, "Huh?"

"What are you going to do? You're fighting on both sides of the war."

"No, I'm now fighting against Riddle, because he turned against the plan of keeping the wizarding world separate from the no-mag world. He wants to rule them all. So, I don't know."

Draco put down his cup and stood from his chair walking towards me, "I have to go, he's calling. Stay safe, love."

I nodded solemnly as he then leaned down and gave me a kiss, to which I returned before he apparated away.

The second I turned back to the table, both Pansy and Esmeree had their mouths hung open.

"Since when?" "Finally!"

I burst out laughing and shook my head, "Right... About that, we're together?"

"You are basically my sister and you don't tell me it's official until now. I mean I knew you kissed but I'm glad that you're finally together." Pansy leaned back in her chair looking accomplished only as Esmeree sat still and stared.


Both Pansy and I broke into laughter as Esmeree tried to comprehend what just happened until she stood up and called for Poppy.


There was a crack of apparation as the house-elf soon appeared, "How can Poppy assist, Miss Esmeree?"

"You owe me Three Galleons," I raised an eyebrow as Esmeree proudly stated to the elf who soon turned to me.

"Has Lady Scarlett finally reunited with Mister Malfoy?"

I gave a cautious nod to which Poppy groaned before handing the Galleons to Esmeree, "Why couldn't Lady Scarlett wait until after the first of September? Poppy is ashamed that Poppy has lost. Poppy should've known."

The house-elf then disapparated as both Pansy and I looked over to the young girl who sat, smiling smugly as she winked, "We had a bet."

"I see that. Anyways... I do have to go."

Pansy stood from her chair as both Esmeree and I followed, "Are you sure? Have you got everything under control? Why can't you stay?"

"Yeah, I have it under control and I have my wand. Everything will be fine. Just take care of each other?"

Pansy nodded as Esmeree smiled, giving me another hug, "Stay safe."

"I'll try. But Pansy are you returning to school with Esmeree?"

"Yeah, I think I will. But that's not for a while, you need to get going."

I nodded and grabbed my bag from a house-elf as I gave the girls a smile. I then turned and concentrated on Granger, then I found them, so I apparated.

I found myself standing in a forest, the Forest of Dean.

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